1. Background of the report
After completion of MBA program students have to do internship in an organization for the fulfillment of the Degree. Internship program gives an opportunity of learning the real working dynamics and applied knowledge of Business Administration.
I complete my M.B.A program from department of Management Studies, University of Chittagong. To complete the academic requirement I did my internship at HR department of Royal Capital Limited. My internship topic was “functions & responsibilities of HR and Admin department of Royal Capital Limited. This report is prepared to focus on the functions and responsibilities of HR and Admin department of Royal Capital Limited.
1.2 Rationale of the report
Internship program is the part of MBA program which gives a scope to MBA students to prepare a study report focusing solution to problematic issues of management of the organization. It is an opportunity to gather practical knowledge and reduce the gap between theoretical and practical knowledge. It also gives opportunity to the future managers to deal with practical problems and give solution in real business life.
I did my internship in Royal Capital Limited which is a leading equity brokerage house in the country. My internship report is based on the practical experience through working at the HR department of the company.
1.3 Objectives of the report
The main objective of this report is to fulfill the academic requirement as well as the following objectives:
• To understand the Human Resource Management practices.
• To have a clear picture of the basic HR functions.
• To identify the clear picture of HR practices in RCL.
• To analyze the performance of the HR & Admin department of RCL.
1.4 Methodology and Data collection
The report is prepared on the basis of experience and data collection through direct supervision at the work place. The
References: 3. Dessler G. (2004), “Human Resource Management”, 11th edition, Prentice Hall. 5. A b c d Thomas N. Garavan, Pat Costine, and Noreen Heraty (1995). "Training and Development: Concepts, Attitudes, and Issues". Training and Development in Ireland. Cengage Learning EMEA. pp. 1. ISBN 1872853927. 6. Derek Torrington, Laura Hall, and Stephen Taylor (2004). Human Resource Management. Pearson Education. pp. 363. ISBN 0273687131. 8. Storey, J. (1995). “New perspectives on human resource management”. New York: Rutledge. 9. Beatty, R.W Schneier, C.E (1997). “New Human Resources roles to impact organizational performance: From partners to players”. In D. Ulrich, M. R Losey & G. Lake (Eds), “Tomorrow’s HR Management: 48 Thought leaders call for change, pp. 69-83.