The literature review is important because it puts off the need to reinvent the wheel for every new research question. More importantly, it gives researchers the opportunity to build on each other's work. What is known (and unknown) can be identified in de subject area, as well as controversies or debate herein, and helping to formulate theories that need further research (Bolderston (2008). It helps to refine or focus a broad research question and is useful for both topic selection and topic refinement. It can also be helpful in developing conceptual or theoretical frameworks (Coughlan et al, 2007, cited in Cronin, Ryan & Coughlan, 2008).
In summary, according to Cronin, Ryan and Coughlan (2008), the key points of a literature review include:
1. Undertaking a literature review is a key feature in many courses of study, an essential step in the research process, and is fundamental in the development of clinical practice and policy.
2. Types of literature reviews include narrative or traditional; systematic review; meta-analysis and meta-synthesis.
Undertaking a literature review includes identification of a topic of interest, searching and retrieving the appropriate literature, analysing and synthesizing the findings and writing a report.
3. A structured step-by-step approach facilitates the production of a comprehensive and informed literature review (p. 43).
All research begins with a question often driven by intellectual