To complete this assignment, you will need to fill in the following boxes:
1. In the first box you will identify one of Gagne’s Eight Distinctive Types of Learning.
2. In the next box you will provide a description of the Learning Type you identified.
3. In the last box you will discuss how this Learning Type does or does not apply to you and your learning.
4. Repeat steps until all Eight of Gagne’s Distinctive Types of Learning are identified, described, and discussed. Each description and discussion should be substantive and requires a minimum of 3 sentences per response.
Save this document and type directly onto the document and into the boxes. The boxes will expand to accommodate what you write. Submit as an attachment to the appropriate drop box.
Gagne’s Eight Distinctive Types of Learning
Description of the Learning Type
Discuss how this does or does not apply to you and your learning
Signal learning(p.79)
An individual learns to make a general, diffuse response to a signal. This is the classic conditioned response of Pavlov. Thus meaning an emotional response. (p.79)
Signal learning does apply to me because I do more times than none respond in an emotional state. I respond in a way of how I am feeling at any given time. If I am upset, I would answer in a aggressive way.
Stimulus-response learning (p.79)
The learner acquires a precise response to a discriminated stimulus. What is learned is a connection Thorndike) or a discriminated operant (skinner), sometimes called an instrumental response (Kimble). This meaning, learning is voluntary controlled, it’s a desire. (p.79)
Stimulus-response learning applies to me because I am always willing to learn. Life is all about learning new things and that’s why I am back in school because I need better in my life and the only way to get better is make choices to learn more. I make the choices to learn.