Game and Metcalfe suggest that feedback is a form of dialogue because it introduces different perspectives into our work. Similarly with Bohm, by dialogue, they mean a type of back and forth between participants that leads to the creation of new content. For Bohm, dialogue is the unfolding of potential, which stems from the free flow of meaning between cooperative participants. Dialogue assists our learning in that it has the ability to generate new meanings by exposing individuals who are participating in the dialogue to be thoughts and directions of inquiry, that they would not have come to alone. Subsequently, new ideas are reached in the cooperative process of dialogue that have the potential to go into novel directions that can be a source of deeper learning.
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For Game and Metcalfe, effective feedback, or dialogue, requires the suspension of the desires and defences of self-consciousness. That is, in order to be able to receive feedback in a productive manner, you should be open to new ideas, and even abandoning you current positions. Otherwise you run the risk of limiting growth and missing opportunities for learning. Furthermore, as Bohm points out, you should be able to listen without prejudice and give feedback without trying to influence the other party. In doing so, participants allow for the growth of an environment which promotes the free flow of thoughts and ideas, where individuals are less self-conscious and more open to thoughts that differ from their original