Never has a man left the embrace of nature once he found himself enamored by it; this infatuation is found in both John Muir’s and Aldo Leopold’s writing, a sense of wanting to protect this deity they call Mother Nature, a moral and ethical responsibility which every human being has to this Mother. Both John Muir and Aldo Leopold recount their almost romantic encounter with Mother Nature in their books Our National Parks and A Sand County Almanac, respectively. However, in both books it is notable that each man carries instilled in the very fiber of their being a sense of dissatisfaction toward the process of mechanization and industrialization; processes which unfortunately…
David Suzuki a Canadian geneticist, author, and television producer, who has continuously advertised his environmental utopian views for years. After his family had suffered greatly from world War two he came to appreciate nature and man’s dependence on it. Conservation, according to him, is a necessity for humankind’s own survival. Through his radio and television programs, he has tried to educate everyone who isn't well versed in the topic. The text we have chosen is a twenty minute speech by David Suzuki that was presented at the 2003 Bioneers National Conference and is part of the Protecting and Restoring Nature Collection. In which he presents the idea that the economy is just a subset of ecology. Drawing on native wisdom and…
In Robin Wall Kimmerer’s book Braiding Sweetgrass, she makes a compelling argument for the planet’s sustainability. Through several chapters, she illustrates how, despite how the Earth provides for all of our needs, we do not repay the favour and instead destroy the life it has left. We are not realizing the value of preserving the environment; instead, we are adapting to the thought that the extended use of fossil fuels is typical, climate change is irreversible, environmental pollution is an unfixable problem, endangered species are beyond salvation, and society has become increasingly disconnected to the planet as it once was. Kimmerer articulates this throughout multiple chapters.…
In an essay in 1833, William Forster Lloyd outlined a phenomenon called the “tragedy of the commons.” The tragedy of the commons can be defined as individuals acting only for their personal benefit, thus depleting a necessary group resource to the point that it cannot recover (“Tragedy”). This issue reared its head in the state of North Carolina recently due to the gas shortage caused by a damaged pipeline.…
Garrett Hardin, a human ecologist, wrote an analytical essay, Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor (1974), asserts that sharing resources with the poor will be detrimental to Earth’s limited resources along with its environments. Hardin supports his assertion by describing the negative effects of sharing the resources with the poor, using the idea of overpopulation and “tragedy of the commons”, stating that if foreign countries keeps aiding the poor, as population continue to grow along with their necessities, it will demolish the environment and deplete Earth’s natural resources. His purpose is to persuade his readers that the poor would not learn to survive on their own if they continue to rely on foreign aid. In this analytical…
The Commons was described as a large open forest area that was open for anyone to utilize. In the modern world, there is no such thing as a Commons. With Andy’s lecture I can understand the comparison between the peasants of old England and the peasants of modern “poor” countries. The peasants of England were pictured as helpless, but even through all these adversities, the Commons were a place to go if all else fails. Peasants of today have no similar options, but instead are shut out of society and left to protect themselves. Something that the two parties share is that both lived (or have lived) in a society that is dominated by the rich. The wealthy have the power to control the resources the poor have access to like how the Commons were taken from the…
Our world is growing and is causing a list of problems that include deforestation, shortage of resources and the lost of many nature species. People have the necessity to have a home, but they ask for lavish homes, which affect our environment for the sake of cutting trees. Henry David Thoreau living in a small cabin in the woods, and gave us the example that building simple houses helps avoid deforestation. By creating lavish homes people are increasing deforestation by making more land available for housing, when construction companies start to construct they cut all the trees that are invading the place where the house is going to stand. By creating homes near green land, settlers begin producing their own food and starts by cleaning the land to be able to start with agriculture.…
The increase in the number of population in poor countries is much higher than in rich countries over a given period of time. This means that while the population of poor countries is expanding massively, the proportion of rich countries consistently diminishes. Hardin presents the idea of "The Tragedy of The Commons'' and clarifies it as a negative impact on customers of shared resources around the globe. It has as of now happened in today's general public and infected our surroundings as well as helped increase overpopulation. The act of rich nations offering the poor some assistance resulted in making of The World Food Bank. Yet, Hardin claims this system stops the improvement of poor countries and gives them a chance to depend on rich nations when crisis happens. While attempting to discover an answer for this issue and help poor people, the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations made the "Green Revolution" program, the objective of this program is to show poor countries how to develop "supernatural occurrence wheat" and "marvel rice." Hardin argures that this project helped spread of malignancy and over-trying so as to burden the earth; consequently, to spare individuals from starvation, different damages were made. Hardin convictions that movement is another push variable of the overpopulation issue on the grounds that it permits individuals to escape from poor countries and weight the biological system of rich nations. Therefore, in "Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping Poor," Garrett Hardin recommends that our planet could be protected by taking his advices, or else nothing will be left for the future…
Into The Wild A true story written By John Krakauer and published by Villard in 1996. Christopher McCandless grew up in Annandale, Virginia. In 1990 when he graduated from university, he stopped talking with his family and donated his College money to charity then started traveling across the United States then later abandoned his car in a flash flood.…
This year we have touched on the self and then focused on how technology could jeopardise our existence. Times are changing and so are we; Technology will keep changing us like it has always done throughout history, change does not necessarily mean take over, technology will advance as an extension of us to help us improve not to allow us to reach perfection.…
The book Into the Wild, is full of life and death situations, adventure, and sorrow. The exciting part is that the all of the adventures are true, but the sad part is that the death is true as well. The whole book is about a young man named Christopher Johnson, also known as Chris or Alex. When Chris was in his early twenties, he left his home and began to travel around the world, while living off the land. The book Into the Wild goes over his adventures and tragedies that happened in his life. In order to enjoy the book, readers need to understand what they’re reading. I would certainly recommend everybody to read the book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. To begin, every chapter in Into the Wild is loaded with astonishing detail. When reading…
INTO THE WORLD "If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, then all possibility of life is destroyed. " We create meaning of our ideas and carefully communicate them to our readers so as to leave the most lasting impact. The novel "Into the Wild" is one that is significant because of how effectively Jon Krakauer took Christopher McCandless relationships, struggles and adventures and developed them into a well written novel, which to say the least left a lasting impression on its readers. It is a great story meant to inspire.…
Aldo Leopold was a conservationist, forester philosopher, educator, writer and outdoor enthusiast and was among the founding fathers of the North American conservation movement during the first half of twentieth century (Leopold, 1981). He argues that humans are part of a community that includes the land, from the soil to the rivers and seas (Leopold, 1981). According to Leopold (1981), until humans recognize that they are part of the land and act accordingly, they will continue to negatively impact the environment and their own health by extension (Leopold, 1981)…
According to Annie Leonard’s “The Story of Stuff”, our current materials economy is a commodity chain in which goods go from extraction, to production, to distribution, to consumption, and finally to disposal. The system sounds stable but it is actually in crisis. Anyone with a simple understanding of mathematics can tell you that you cannot run a linear system on a finite planet in the real world. In order for us, the consumers, to get all of our fancy products and up-to-date technologies, a process that we turn a blind eye to takes place. At the source of the process, there is natural resource exploitation. “We chop down the trees, blow up mountains to get the metals inside, use up all the water, and wipe out all the animals.” As consumers, we are running out of resources because we have too much stuff! In the past three decades alone, one third of the planet’s natural resource space has been consumed. We are undermining the planets very ability for people to live here. In the United States, less than four percent of our original forests are left and forty percent of the waterways have become unsanitary. When the resources start to deplete, we do the same thing to third world or lesser developed nations. The erosion of the local environments of these nations and economies ensures a constant flow of natives that rely on the little money they can earn while working in…
The fundamental ecological flaws of the capitalist system have been emphasized primarily by critical political-economic thinkers coming out of or deeply influenced by the Marxist tradition. In the United States environmental sociology has been deeply affected by two critical concepts arising out of Marx, the treadmill of production, and the metabolic rift. The treadmill of production concept is the notion that capitalism is geared above all to exponential growth, as suggested by Marx’s M-C-M’ shorthand. The level of economic activity in each period starts with the end point of the previous period, leading to a doubling of economic output. The driving force of this expansion is capital accumulation and the search for ever expanding profits. Marx’s theory of the metabolic rift helps us understand capitalism’s intensive, not merely extensive, destruction of the environment. The metabolic rift was developed as capitalism systematically violated the basic conditions of sustainability on an increasingly large scale, through soil intensification and global transportation of nutrients, food, and fiber (Clark, B., & York, R.…