There did not seem to be a centrality to the use of scripture or the practicality of it for that matter. However, Moon said this just after talking through what a healthy growing Christian life should look like. "Having said that, I am doubtful that such lofty language will be very helpful to Jake during the initial sessions. Other pathologies are practically defined by the DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000) as maladaptive functioning resulting in a disruption of social, vocational or emotional functioning. The first priority for Jake's counselor will be the examination of his health and pathology from this reference point while also considering ways of introducing additional and alternative approaches to healthy functioning."2 John Henderson, in an article over at the Gospel Coalition reacted to this statement by saying, "In other words, to speak of life with God and what it means to depend on his presence and power moment-by-moment is lofty. Scripture itself, then, is lofty as well. The DSM-IV, on the other hand, is down-to-earth and therefore should serve as our reference point."3 This statement was helpful in recognizing Moon's priority for Jake. It seems that all things Scriptural or faith-based take a back seat to contemporary …show more content…
These could be targeted to any one of a number of areas, such as impulsive actions and decisions; social isolation; mood disturbance; substance use and abuse; anxiety associated with posttraumatic stress; and antisocial traits."4 These suggestions seem merely clinical and in isolation of the work and power of the Spirit in concert with Scripture and a community of