People think that legalizing same-sex marriage leads to bestiality, the common question usually supporting that ridiculous accusation is if we legalize same-sex marriage where does it stop? I can tell you right now that I have never heard of such nonsense there is a fine line between same-sex marriage and bestiality it is utterly preposterous to say if we legalize same-sex marriage the government will consider legalizing bestiality.
Various people have the opinion that gay couples shouldn’t legally adopt, Children in particular benefit from same-sex marriage. More than one quarter of the same-sex couples we surveyed were raising children and almost all of these couples said their children were happier and better off as a result of their marriage. So why do people want to try and jeopardize a couples chance at being a family? Same-sex couples should have the exact same rights as a straight couple. Statistics shows that children of same-sex parents do as well as children whose parents are heterosexual in every way therefore there is no valid reason as to why same-sex couples should not adopt.
How would you feel if your child wasn’t allowed to get married due to the law? You would do almost anything to try and abolish that law am I right? Well that’s how hundreds of people feel. It is no one else’s business, if two people of the same-sex love each other they should be allowed to show their commitment publicly just like straight couples do.
There have been many incidents were a couple in a same-sex relationship is denied hospital visitation rights Governor Walker of Wisconsin’s states “I believe a new law that gives gay couples hospital visitation rights violates the state constitution and I