In all honesty, prior to reading Jake Helpern’s articles and meeting him in person, I thought he was some older white guy with a slightly boring style of writing as well as being even more boring in person, but somehow everyone else finds his work fascinating. But since I needed some extra credit points, I took on the challenge of the assignment. Glad to announce my notions of Jake Helpern were totally wrong. Reading Jake Helpern’s articles were like reading a well written novel. His stories had flare, suspense, character, drama and even a touch of sorrow and empathy. For the most part his articles were not just engaging but also very informative. Content versus Form, Content wins.…
Overall, the insight given from Davis and Shadle is much easier to understand because of the perspective they see to help us readers relate. This article was much easier for me to understand than Pat Belanoff’s article because of the way Davis and Shadle use easier vocabulary and more explanations that I, myself, can relate…
In an article on September 1st of the Los Angeles Times, Jeremy Rifkin claims animals have the same understanding and concept of emotions we humans have, and that we should treat them as our equals. This idea of his is absurd, and if you really look at it you can see, he is just another animal rights activist trying to get his voice heard.…
becomes obvious that trees are being used as a representative of learning. This concept is…
In this article, Ballarat Health Service through cooperating with Nursing Practice Solution, Smith and Nephew tries to improve patient and economic outcomes by the implementation of Wound Care Improvement program. The Wound Care Improvement program has been introduce in Ontario, Canada and the target has been realized, thus Ballarat Health Service adopt the same method to do the survey in its own service which operating 782 inpatient beds. The time that the research performed at three different periods august 2009, march 2011 and June 2012. The results show that the number of pressure injury was decline at three different period and the total pressure injury point prevalence data was decline as well from 11% in august 2009 to 3.7% June 2012.…
Apfelbaum, E. P., Pauker, K., Ambady, N., Sommers, S. R., & Norton, M. I. (2008). Learning…
R., & Kiyak, H. A. (2008). Personality and mental health in old age. In Social gerontology: A multidisciplinary perspective (8th ed., pp. 223-258). Retrieved from…
What the learning theories tell you about different ways to help learners learn most effectively…
Kantrowitz, Barbara. "The Science Of Learning." Scientific American 311.2 (2014): 69-73. Academic Search Premier. Web. 9 Oct. 2014.…
To enable and assess learning it is important to understand how individuals learn. Individuals learn in different ways and at different speeds. As a teacher it is important to understand the theories of how and why people learn so that the individual needs of the learner are addressed. Learning theories have been more influential since the early 1990’s. (Avis, 2010)…
|literature written about the way people learn and numerous theories on the methods to teach effectively or guide people in their | | | |…
The three articles about the learning process and education were very informative. Although the articles were discussing different areas they all focused on keeping students engaged and how to help students learn. It made me think about strategies teachers have used in my experience as a student. Also why I had trouble in some classes or learned very little from other classes. I also learned other strategies I’ve never heard of before.…
The purpose of the article is to show us that the techniques of teaching need to be changed. Students must be taught in different ways in order to survive in the real world. Just because you learn a lot in school does not mean you will be able to use what you learned in the real world. That is why students must also be given the chance to think for themselves instead of just being fed information and memorizing it. In this world we are always learning, the world is always changing and we must be able to adapt to it. The way we learn however does not give us the chance to learn how to adapt to changes. It is also saying that the way the teachers teach is in order to benefit them, in order to keep themselves in control of us. It makes them dominant over us because we rely on them in order to learn.…
Learning theories have been around for a long period. Three common learning theories will be discussed following this introduction. The three learning theories that will be discussed are the behavioral learning theory, the constructivist learning theory, and the cognitive learning theory. Behavioral learning theory has three components that Gredler (2009) describes as, “(a) the occasion on which the behavior occurs, (b) the behavior itself, and (c) the consequence of the behavior” (para 25). Cognitive strategies, “places mental activity at the focus of interest” (Martinez, 2010, para 5). Finally, the constructivist learning theory describes learning as a constructive process.…
In Al-Sayed's article, repetition is widely used as the writer is a non-native of English. For instance, "building materials" is repeated around seven times in paragraphs: 1, 3, 7, 11, 16, 17, as it is the name and the topic of the article. What is more, the verb 'open' is repeated along with 'crossings' in paragraph 4, 7, 17, 19 revealing the importance of this action in the 'reconstruction' which is repeated for nine times. Moreover, 'peace' is repeated seven times for its importance to Gaza, as peace is their own need for now. Furthermore, the words 'home,' 'house' are only repeated for twice which reveals the misery of the Palestinian nation. On the other hand, Gunness's article repetition is used not as much as in Al-Sayed's article. The…