Problems Facing The Human Resources Managers
The Problems Facing the Human Resources Managers
There are various Problems Facing The Human Resources Manager in his/her execution of the duties. The first problem is how to manage change which comes with globalization. Many people are conservative and do not like changes yet they are inevitable. Managing and adopting these changes becomes a challenge to the HR manager especially since the organization management may not support and embrace the changes. Other Problems Facing The Human Resources Managers is how to retain the employees in an organization yet the competition from other similar organizations is very stiff. Many employees keep changing jobs and move to other organizations for greener pastures.
Balancing work and personal commitments is another uphill task since a HR manager has a huge responsibility and long working hours which leave him/her with very little time for leisure and personal matters. Besides this, a HR manager gets a lot of stress due to pressure at work which comes with the nature of their work. The HR manager’s job is also makes them have a lot of conflicts with employees and the management and if not resolved amicably the HR manager maybe affected in various ways. Apart from that the HR managers have a lot of pressure due to the cut-throat competition from other companies and long working hours. This pressure may take its toll on an individual leading to health and emotional problems.
Diversity in an organization in terms of religion, personality and culture of the various people the HR manager work with also becomes a challenge since the person has