Butlers theory addresses the problem of society controlling women in regard to how they perceive gender. Butler explores how women are taught to value the "regulatory schemas” “ which produce and vanquish bodies that matter" (1993, 14). Butler explores the way women undergo conditioning within society in search of a futile everchanging perfection. This essay will address a my own awareness, as a woman, of my external appearance as “Gender “ becomes an “ impersonation “ (1993, Butler) in relation to its biological definition.
The constant obsession and infatuation that women partake in in regard to their appearance and their responsibilities, indicates that society controls and manipulates the ideal gender identity. Butler’s theory on gender and performativity, explores how women desire to fit into the requested stereotypes dictated by society, and are willing to overrule their own self belief and behaviour in favour of these ideals.
There is an unspoken ‘imitation’ in regard to what gender is. Butler (1993) states “... that gender is a choice, or that gender is a role, or that gender is a construction that one puts on, as one puts on clothes in the morning, that there is a 'one ' who is prior to this gender, a one who goes to the wardrobe of gender and decides with deliberation which gender it will be today.” The statement indicates that gender is created through the influence of societies, culture, media, religion, community and peers. It speaks of women who strive to achieve ‘coherent identification’ which is ‘cultivated, policed, and enforced’ (Butler , 1993). Butler also states that those who 'violate ' 'the gender norm have to be punished, usually through shame” (interview with Liz Kotz in Artforum, 2002) which explains that if
Bibliography: ^Butler, Judith .1999. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (Subversive bodily acts, IV Bodily Inscriptions, Performative Subversions). New York: Routledge. p. 179. Butler, Judith. 1993. Bodies that Matter. On the Discursive Limits of Sex. London and New York: Routledge.Butler, Judith Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Limits of "Sex" (Routledge, 1993). Butler, J. y Spivak, G.C. 2007. Who Sings the Nation-State? Language, Politics, Belonging. Felluga, D. 2002 "Modules on Butler: On Performativity." Introductory Guide to Critical Theory. .