
Gender Discrimination In Sports Essay

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Gender discrimination is prevalent in many aspects throughout the world. It is commonly identified in the workforce, education, sports, religions, and even in other cultures. This prejudice is unjust and women have been treated as though males are higher in virtue.
Women face many obstacles in the attempt to advance in a career, and may come upon a "glass ceiling" or a barrier created by such prejudices. The same guidance is not offered by male figures to women as men creating a low moral. Women have difficulty reaching higher levels with such boundaries. (Barko, ?)
Women earn 74 percent less for every dollar a man earns, even after the Equal Pay Act of 1963. If men and women were paid equal, 50 percent of households in poverty would make a middle class wage. While women band together to create equal pay, many companies have offered thousands to
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While male coaches pay grades have raised 67 percent ($267,000) female coaches have only raised 16 percent ($98,106) as of 2012. (learn, ?) The fact that women are paid less will persuade them to enter into another field, resulting in less and less women in sports.
Gender bias in sports is prevalent through funding. Female team budgets have been cut while male teams continue to spend the same as previous years, on airfare, equipment, rooming and more. This bias continues to prevail itself in every aspect of sports professionally and unprofessionally. (Lane, 1)
It is important to remember the little opportunities our grandmothers and great grandmothers were given to play sports, Although we have come very far to better our opportunities, we still have many changes to make. Women's sports Foundation reports that high school girls have 1.3 million fewer opportunities to play school sports. (Learn,?) Track and Field offers the least opportunities for women as males are believed to be much

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