There is a so called “grey area” in just about every aspect of life has made things very broad when trying to narrow a topic down, on the contrary the topic of gender in the United States of America …show more content…
Women are always moody, and women try to work out problems while men take immediate action. Men are also stamped with gender stereotypes such as; only men can be doctors, men are stronger and more aggressive, men are better at sports, men are thickheaded and men brag about intimacy. Gender stereotypes are simplistic generalizations about the gender attributes, differences, and roles of individuals and/or groups. Stereotypes can be positive or negative, but they rarely communicate accurate information about others. When people automatically apply gender assumptions to others regardless of …show more content…
Women desire intimacy in conversation, to feel connected to others while communicating. Men desire to give information while remaining independent of the other party. Women try to avoid the appearance of superiority. Men are comfortable telling others what to do and appearing superior. Women want to reach consensus and consult with others before deciding. Men want to get straight to the bottom line and choose without consulting. Women communicate to build relationships. Men communicate to give information, solve problems and show expertise. According to some marriage therapist genders have different driving forces behind communication. Women use more words to make a point and express more feelings. Men use fewer words and express fewer feelings. Women use conversation to think through a problem and work toward a solution. Men think through a problem privately, then express the solution as the bottom line. Women give feedback with tact, tentativeness and sensitivity to the other person’s feelings. Men give feedback directly and with bluntness, without the intention that it should be taken personally. Women often change the topic in the middle of a conversation, then return to it later. Men tend to finish one topic before going on to the