General hyphothesis and operationalisation:
The general hyphothesis of this experiment is that any change in the physical body (Körper) has a detectable change in the lived body (Leib). Again, the concepts are meant in the use of the phenomenological tradition described in section one. Thus, Leib is the unthematised, subjective, immediate body consciousness, whereas Körper is the objective, material (physical) aspect of our body.
Independent variables: Heart Rate was measured for a thirty minute interval in two different conditions. (1) In the first condition the participant was engaged in a (mostly) non-physical activity. He sat on a chair and cognitively contemplated about the human body by studying Gray’s Anatomy for Students, …show more content…
Weight 70 kg, height 174 cm, healthy.
Materials: the heart rate measurment was performed with the following equipment: Device: Polar FT , Sensor: Polar Wheaterlink Coded
Procedure: I did not follow any specific procedure. Participant was approached personally, as the place of the experiment I used his own room, wich decreased the possible confounds of a different/new environment wich could increase the stress factor or general emotional state of the participant, influencing thus his heart rate.
The hyphothesis I wanted to falsify is that change in the average heart rate has no significant effect on the average score.
A paired sample t-test was conducted to evaluate the impact of the changed bodily condition on the average score of the table tennis with hand task. There was a significant increase in bouncing the ping-pong ball scores from the control condition (M = 112, SD = 29.7) to the manipulated condition (M = 235, SD = 62), t(6) = -5.4 , p = 0.002 (two tailed). The mean increase in the table tennis with hands score was 122 with a 95% confidence interval ranging from -177 to 67. The eta squared statistic (.83) indicated a large effect