A general practitioner must have excellent verbal and non-verbal communication skills which can be useful to diagnose some patients. GP’s will need great knowledge how to diagnose a patient, checking for symptoms for illness, giving first aid treatment, data interpretation and knowing medical knowledge. Having good observation skills ranges from noticing the patients appearance and behaviour. Observation skills are important when working with patients because it gives clues how the patient is feeling. It might lead a sign of illness which the GP is able to diagnose the patient. GP will also need to have good record keeping of all the accurate and up to date patients’ records. The records include such as measurements made and treatments given that could include medication.
GP must be able to diagnose a patient in order to plan a treatment plan. Treatment can involve particular …show more content…
Midwifes will need to have specialist knowledge to deliver a baby, knowledge about pregnancy and checking for symptoms for illness. Midwife will do screening tests in a hospital or at home. Midwifes will be explaining to women who are currently pregnant options, such as giving birth in hospital or at home, natural childbirth and types of pain relief. Midwife must have skills to be able to do screening test. Midwife offering support and advice following events such as miscarriage, termination, stillbirth, neonatal abnormality and neonatal death. Midwife must be able to give support and advice on the daily care of the baby, including breastfeeding, bathing and making up feeds. Giving advice is part of communication skills and a key aspect of being midwifery. Midwife will need to have good teamwork skills when working with other colleagues. Some midwife will need leadership to make sure her colleagues are doing their job