In the beginning when God created light, the firmament, the vegetation, wildlife, rodents, birds, the fishes in the water, he had just created a food chain that would ensure continuation of life on earth. He then created Adam in HIS own image to head the other creations, to be on top of the food chain, hence, God had started the human race. Thousands of years after, the wildlife, the vegetation and everything HE created are still germane to human existence on earth. It is also worth of note that God worked for six days and rested on the seventh day, which is equivalent to our Monday through Saturday for work and we rest on the seventh day which is Sunday. Once again, God’s perfect idea of when to work and when to rest.
Human identity came hand-in-hand with everything God created. When HE finished creating everything, HE created Man in HIS own image and called him ADAM which means earth man and HE gave him dominion over everything HE had created. Man was placed in the Garden of Eden to till the soil and to maintain it, meaning he had to work for his living too as God himself worked to create the world. But when man fell, he was sent out of the garden and he had to work for himself, he had to toil and eat from his sweat and Eve too had to suffer in delivery and that has changed the human identity for ever, hence our need the work hard today to make ends meet. We also lost our immortality when Adam fell. God has made us in HIS own image, HE gave us HIS unique breath of life and because of that, we are able to think and