Why should we know about the genetic modification of plants and animals? In this world today we are seeing different labels on our foods but does anyone even really know what they mean? For example what is the difference between a regular tomato and an organic tomato? We should know what foods we are consuming and how they affect our bodies. I believe that more regulations should be put into place by the Food and Drug Administration so that we are better informed about what we are consuming and the possible side effects to the genetic altering.
The History and Current Status of Genetic Modification
“The first large-scale commercial plantings of genetically modified (GM) [also referred to as genetically engineered (GE)], crops began in 1996. Although public debate and opposition to GM food has been both intense and growing throughout the world, most Americans have only begun to become aware of the issue.”(Charman, 2002). This is very interesting in the fact that they have been planting crops like these since 1996 and the public at large has no knowledge that their food is changing. At this time there were basically no regulations regarding this genetic modification and the public at large did not have to know about it.
Currently we are seeing a lot of different labels on our foods and we really don’t understand exactly what they mean. It’s odd that we have extensive labels with product ingredients and nutrition values on our canned and boxed foods but this is not relevant when it comes to genetically modified foods that we consume. The Food and Drug Administration seems to think that it is not important to put regulations in place so that we know what we are eating or the effects these genetically altered foods could be having on us and our children.
Consumption Issues
The major issue to me is the fact that we do not know what we are consuming. We look at our children and they are developing much
References: Charman, Karen (2002, October 01). Genetically engineered food: Promises & perils. Mother Earth News, 74, Retrieved from http://elibrary.bigchalk.com Taylor, L, S. (2003, June 01). Safety assessment of foods produced through agricultural biotechnology. Nutrition Reviews, (6), S135, Retrieved from http://elibrary.bigchalk.com Cannon, B, J. (2010, April 01). Statutory Stones and Regulatory Mortar: Using Negligence Per Se to Mend the Wall Between Farmers Growing Genetically.... Washington and Lee Law Review, (2), 653, Retrieved from http://elibrary.bigchalk.com Should the FDA Adopt a Stricter Policy on Genetically Engineered Foods? CON. (2001). Congressional Digest, 80(3), 77. http://www.fda.gov/aboutfda/whatwedo/default.htm Levaux, Ari. (2012, January 11). How Genetically Modified Foods Could Affect Our Health in Unexpected Ways. AlterNet