The paper lasts for 2 hours and 15 minutes and carries 50% of your marks.
There are 2 sections: A. PLACES – 1. The European Union, including the UK 2. Less Economically Developed Countries 3. More Economically Developed Countries, outside EU
B. THEMES – 1. Physical Systems and Environments 2. Natural Hazards and People 3. Economic Systems and Development 4. Populations And Settlement.
You should spend 15 minutes reading the exam paper and then 30 minutes on each of your questions.
You must choose TWO out of three questions in Section A and in Section B - 1 OR 2. AND 3 or 4.
How you revise your work will depend a lot on what works for you, but it would be sensible to revise your work under the headings for the exam. What follows is an outline of what you need to know under each of the headings in each section of the exam paper. There are also exam questions from the last two years.
The BBC website ‘Bitesize’ also has online revision questions [].
|Theme 1 |Theme 2 |Theme 3 |Theme 4 |
|Physical |Natural Hazards |Economic |Population and |
|Systems and |and People |systems and development |Settlement |
|Environments | | | |
|(a) Geomorphic processes and |(a) The nature and distribution of |(a) Economic systems |(a) Population distribution, |
|landforms |natural hazards |(b) Economic activity, growth and change |structure and change |
|(b) Atmospheric processes and |(b) The processes responsible for natural|(c) International disparities, trade and |(b) The location and function of |
|climate |hazards |interdependence |settlements |
|(c) Physical environments and systems |(c) The effects of natural hazards on | |(c) Land use within settlements |
| |people | |(d) The growth and decline of |
| | | |settlements |
What about CASE STUDIES?
About a third of the marks for each question are based on knowing details of a case study – we’ve looked at a lot of real life examples of the Geographical processes we have studied – eg The River Severn, Migration in Brazil and Industry in Japan. Use this revision book to find out which case studies you need, then make a note of them on the table below so you know what to learn.
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Command Words
Command words are the most important words in the exam question. They tell you what to do.
Things to remember about command words. ❑ It is a good idea to pick out the command words when you read a question. ❑ They tell you exactly what the examiners want you to do and what they will give marks for. ❑ You will get very few marks if you do something else.
Here are the command words that the examiners will use.
|Annotate |Comment |Compare |Contrast |
|Describe |Draw |Explain |Give reasons for |
|Identify |Justify |Label |List |
|Locate |Predict |Select |State |
|Study |Suggest |Summarise |Use |
What do they mean? Check out the table below.
|Annotate |Add notes to describe or explain |Annotate the sketch to describe the site of the factory. |
| | |Suggest reasons for changes in population by annotating |
| | |the graph |
|Comment |Write what you think about something, using your own |Comment on what the cartoon shows. Comment on the viewpoints |
| |knowledge and understanding. |in a newspaper article. |
|Compare |Write about what is similar and different about two things (Remember two |Compare the photographs taken in 1982 and 1999. |
| |different descriptions do not make a comparison). |Compare the distribution of population in two regions that you|
| | |have studied |
|Contrast |Write about what is different about two things. |Describe the contrasting landscapes in the two photos. |
|Describe |Write what something is like. |Describe what you can see in the photograph. Describe |
| | |what the graph shows. |
|Draw |Make a freehand sketch of something |Draw a sketch map of the site of the new factory. |
| | |Draw an annotated sketch of the view in the photograph. |
|Explain |Write about why something happens |Explain why earthquakes can happen in places like San |
| | |Francisco. Explain how weather can affect farming choices. |
|Give reasons for |Write about how or why something happens. (Try to give at |Give reasons for the location of the village on the map. |
| |least two points.) |Give reasons for the pattern on the graph. |
|Identify |Pick out something from the information you have been given |Identify the highest figures on the table. Identify the area |
| | |with the highest population on the map. |
|Justify |Say why you chose something or why you think in a certain way |Justify why you chose the site for new housing. |
|Label |Write a name against something on a map or diagram |Label the river features on the diagram. |
|List |Write a number of pieces of information in a column. |From the table, list cities with more than 10 million people. |
|Locate |Write about where something is or mark it accurately on a |Locate the factory on the map and describe the reasons for its|
| |map. |site. Using grid references locate the farms on the |
| | |map |
|Predict |Use your own knowledge or some information you have been |Predict how the population of your chosen LEDC might change. |
| |given to suggest what might happen next. |Predict how the settlement might grow |
|Select |Choose something from what you have studied or from |Select from the table evidence to prove that the country is an|
| |information given to you. |LEDC. Choose an example of a farm you have studied in the EU |
|State |Write a short clear answer |State one reason for the water shortage. |
|Study |Look carefully at a piece of information given to you before |Study Fig 1. Study the Ordnance Survey map. Study the |
| |answering a question. |satellite image in the resource booklet |
|Suggest |Write down possible reasons for something, using some |Suggest reasons for the location of the reservoir. |
| |information given to you or your own knowledge |Suggest why the farmer is against the new road |
|Summarise |Write a few words on the main points. |Summarise the reasons for picking the northern route for |
| | |the by-pass. |
|Use |Get the information you need to answer the question from a particular place|Use the information in Figure 1 to help you decide the best |
| | |location for the factory. Use the graph in Resource 2. |
|Industry case study (farm, manufacturing or service |Hedge End Retail Park; Your work experience placement;|Name and describe the location of a farm or |
|industry) Location, description of the system, |Lucky Goldstar (LG) in Newport; Iron & steel in South |manufacturing or service industry you have studied in |
|location factors. |Wales; Cambridge Science Park. Vine House Farm, |the EU. |
|Make sure you know INPUTS, OUTPUTS & PROCESSES, |Lincolnshire. |Describe how the farm, manufacturing or service |
| | |industry you have named works as a system |
| |(or any other case study you know that you can talk |Give two reasons that help to explain the location of |
| |convincingly about!) |the economic activity you have written about |
|Population change (birth/death rates, migration and |UK population map, pyramids. |Reasons for the increase in populations in urban areas|
|distribution including factors affecting it). |Italy population migration (South to North) |Population density of Europe – describe the pattern |
| | |For a region in Europe describe the distribution of |
| | |population and give THREE reasons. |
| | |Suggest two problems or benefits caused by people |
| | |migrating to the E.U. |
|Settlement growth and decline (reasons for, |Changes in Southampton. Redevelopment of Pirelli |Location factors for new developments- roads & |
|benefits/problems) |Factory into West Quay, St Mary’s Stadium, |industries Some settlements are growing whilst others |
| | |are declining. Use EU examples to explain the benefits|
| | |and problems that arise from either settlement growth |
| | |or decline |
|Weather and climate, including hazards |Flooding in the UK and R. Rhine in Germany. Italy |Study of satellite images and locating possible |
| |earthquake and Mount Etna volcano. |hazards. |
| | |Land use shown in satellite images |
|Industrial growth and decline – effects upon quality |Lucky Goldstar in Newport; Iron & steel in South |For an industrial development that you have studied |
|of life |Wales; Cambridge Science Park; West Quay, Southampton,|describe the effects upon local people’s quality of |
| |changes in shopping in Southampton after West Quay. |life. |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|OS map skills – use the map to answer the question – |Southampton OS map. Whatever map they give you? |Study the OS map and give map evidence to show how the|
|give map evidence! |1:50,000 OR 1:25,000 SCALES |settlement or industry has grown. |
|Quality of life measures |HDI; GNP/Capita, Life Expectancy etc. |Differences between LEDC’s and MEDC’s. |
| |Brazil & USA compared. |The quality of life in LEDC’s, measures used? |
| | |Compare the quality of life for two of the LEDCs. |
| | |Explain the relationship between GNP per capita and |
| | |the services, such as |
| | |hospitals and schools, in a country. |
|Investment and aid programmes to improve quality of |Pepsi Cola in Brazil; Carajas Iron Ore mine in Brazil;|Why are rich countries willing to invest in LEDC’s? |
|life |tourism in Kenya; rainforest development in Brazil. |For a named LEDC that you have studied, describe how |
| | |the country is attempting to use its resources to |
| | |improve the quality of life of its people |
|Hazards – different effects upon rural/urban areas |Asian Tsunami (Boxing Day 04) |Human & Physical factors that cause hazards |
| |Pakistan Earthquake 2005 |Identify three physical factors which combined to |
| |Cyclones & flooding in Bangladesh. |cause the disaster. |
| | |Explain how human factors made the disaster worse. |
|Population change (birth/death rates, migration and |Brazil - population distribution map and pyramids. |For a named LEDC: name & locate; describe the factors |
|distribution including factors affecting it). |Rural to urban migration in Rio de Janeiro (or |affecting the distribution of population; explain the |
| |Nairobi) and migration to the rainforest for work. |processes which are changing this distribution |
|Settlement growth and associated benefit/problems |Rio de Janeiro shanty towns and Barra new town. |Photograph interpretation of a shanty town |
| |Nairobi Shanty towns. |Where would you expect to find shanty towns? |
| | |Solutions and problems in shanty towns? |
|Industrial development and effects upon the quality |Tourism in Kenya; Pepsi in Brazil; Carajas Iron ore |Problems for MEDC’s when aid stops being given. |
|of life – tourism, multinational corporations and |mine in Brazil |Governments in LEDCs often encourage foreign |
|development projects. | |investment by multi-national companies and |
| | |aid from charities. |
| | |Use named examples that you have studied to suggest |
| | |advantages and disadvantages for |
| | |the people of LEDCs of such investment and aid. |
|Climate features |Rainforest climate – equatorial. |Describe & explain the main features of the climate in|
| | |an LEDC you have studied. Does climate affect |
| | |population distribution? |
|Industry changes and impacts |Detroit car industry. |Changes in employment structure? |
| | |For a region you have studied in an MEDC (outside the |
| | |EU): (i) name the MEDC and describe the location of |
| | |your chosen region. (ii) Describe and explain how |
| | |economic activity is changing. |
| | |Suggest why this area is attractive to modern |
| | |industry. |
|Population – factors affecting distribution, |Japan and USA population pyramids and map of |Birth and death rates in MEDC’s reasons for changes? |
|birth/death rates and migration, effects upon |population distribution and reasons. |Changes to the total population? For a named MEDC or |
|population structure. | |part of an MEDC (outside the EU): (i) describe the |
| | |distribution of population within the area; (ii) What |
| | |physical, economic and social factors have influenced |
| | |the distribution that you have described? |
|Effects of natural hazards on rural/urban areas |Hurricane Katrina (New Orleans) |Natural hazards occur in MEDC’s: describe the effects |
| |Flood on the Mississippi |of ONE hazard on urban and rural areas. |
| |Earthquake in Los Angeles | |
|Settlement growth and associated benefit/problems |Los Angeles growth of edge cities and inner city |Why do people move from rural to urban areas? |
| |decline. |For a region/regions in an MEDC (other than the EU): |
| |Detroit growth of suburbs and decline in centre |name the region/s; describe the location of the |
| |(doughnut effect). |region/s; Describe how settlements in the region/s are|
| |Problems in New York. |linked. |
|Climate |Phoenix desert climate. |How climate affects farming using a climate graph |
| | |Identify the advantages and disadvantages of this |
| | |climate for farming in this area. Suggest how farmers |
| | |might attempt to solve problems arising from the |
| | |climate. |
|The influence of aspect, exposure, relief and surface|Grove Park |Factors affecting weather locally? |
|types on microclimates and weather |BATH | |
| |Urban heat island in London | |
|Depressions and anticyclones |British Isles |Weather maps with synoptic symbols. Depression weather|
| | |and changes over a 24-hour period. |
|The seasonal variations in temperature and rainfall |British Isles |Weather map interpretation |
|across the British Isles | | |
|The climate of the British Isles and TWO other |British Isles |For a named area you have studied outside the British |
|contrasting climates (the Equatorial Rainforest & |Brazilian Rainforest |Isles: describe and explain THREE contrasts in its |
|Mediterranean climates). |Mediterranean climate |climate with that of the British Isles. |
|Tropical Rainforest climate – link between climate, |Brazilian Rainforest |Many physical environments are under threat. (i) Name |
|soils, vegetation & human activity | |and describe the location of a physical environment. |
| | |(ii) Describe the links between its climate and |
| | |vegetation. (iii) Explain why your chosen environment |
| | |might be under threat. |
|The effect of latitude, land & sea, relief and ocean |British Isles and Europe |Explain how one of the following influences the |
|currents upon climates | |climate in either the British Isles or another place |
| | |that you have studied: LATITUDE, RELIEF, and OCEAN |
| | |CURRENTS. |
|Climatic change and the possible causes and |Global problem |Greenhouse Effect: (i) suggest reasons for the |
|consequences – GLOBAL WARMING |Effects on Holland and the UK and also Bangladesh. |predicted rise in temperature. (ii) Explain why the |
| | |effects of climate change may be more damaging for |
| | |people in LEDC’s. |
| | |Give TWO reasons for Global Warming |
|The Hydrological Cycle – main components and links. |River Severn |State the peak flow of the river. |
|Hydrographs. | |What was the lagtime? How might the activities of |
| | |people decrease lagtime of rivers? |
|The river basin as a system with INPUTS, FLOWS, |Floods in the USA, Germany & Bangladesh. River Severn | |
|Description of one selected landscape. The geomorphic|COASTS – New Forest Coast – Bournemouth beach groynes,|Study the photo and give two types of geomorphic |
|processes (including weathering, erosion, transport |beach erosion at Highcliffe and Barton, Hurst Spit |process Explain one of the processes you have |
|and deposition) associated with one selected |being eroded, formation of Old Harry Rock and Hurst / |identified |
|landscape. The contribution of structure and past and|Calshot spits. |Choose a physical landscape in the EU that you have |
|present geomorphic |RIVERS – River Severn – waterfalls, etc. |studied. |
|processes towards the development of one selected | |(i) State where the landscape is |
|landscape. The effect of human activity on geomorphic| |(ii) Describe the landforms that make up the landscape|
|processes within the one selected landscape. | |(iii) Explain how geomorphic processes such as |
| | |weathering, erosion, transport and |
| | |deposition are shaping the landscape |
|What are the different types of natural hazard? |Drought, Hurricane, flood, volcano & earthquakes. | |
|The severity, frequency and duration of hazards from |Drought, Hurricane, flood, volcano & earthquakes. |The frequency of hazards and number of deaths |
|fog to drought to global warming | |Which hazards are the greatest disasters? |
|The distribution of hazards |Drought, Hurricane, flood, volcano & earthquakes |Explain why volcanoes and earthquakes are usually |
| |plotted on a world map. |found together in certain areas |
|The processes that cause volcanoes, earthquakes, |Kobe earthquake & Mt St Helens volcano. New Orleans & |Plate boundaries – different types and effects. |
|storms, hurricanes, floods and droughts |Bangladesh floods. Texas & Sahel drought. Hurricane | |
| |Katrina. | |
|The impact of human activities such as deforestation,|Amazon Rainforest | |
|over-grazing and urbanisation |Over grazing in the Sahel | |
| |Urbanisation in Nairobi & Rio de Janeiro. | |
|The effects of natural hazards on rural and urban |Kobe earthquake & Montserrat volcano. |(i) Name and describe the location of a natural |
|areas |New Orleans & Bangladesh floods. |hazard, which you have studied. (ii) Explain the |
| |Texas & Sahel drought. Hurricane Katrina |causes of the hazard (iii) Describe how the hazard has|
| | |been or could be predicted and its effects controlled.|
| | |Describe its effects on different parts of the area |
| | |concerned. |
|How can people be protected from natural hazards? |Kobe earthquake & Montserrat OR Mt St Helens volcano. |What benefits and problems have flood defence schemes |
|(EMERGENCY PLANNING, BUILDING CONTROL) |New Orleans & Bangladesh floods. |brought? |
| |Texas & Sahel drought. Hurricane Katrina. | |
|How can hazards be predicted and controlled? (REMOTE |Kobe earthquake & Montserrat OR Mt St Helens volcano. |Why are some people surprised by volcanic eruptions? |
|SENSING, MONITORING, AFFORESTATION, FLOOD CONTROL |New Orleans & Bangladesh floods. |Why do some countries find it hard to deal with the |
|SCHEMES AND POLLUTION CONTROL) |Texas & Sahel drought. Hurricane Katrina. |effects of volcanic eruptions? |
| | |Why are weather hazards usually predictable? |
|Economic activities as systems with INPUTS, OUTPUTS |Vine House Farm Lincolnshire; Iron and Steel in S. |For an economic development in a place you have |
|and PROCESSES. You need to know a farm, manufacturing|Wales; Lucky Goldstar in Newport;; Cambridge Science |studied, such as farming, industrial or transport |
|industry and a service industry |Park; The industrial triangle of Italy. Hedge End |development: (i) name and locate the economic |
| |Retail Park. Ford transit van plant at Eastleigh |development (ii) describe its main features (iii) |
| | |state how it affected the economy of the area. |
|The factors affecting the location of different | |Location factors for industries – what are they? |
|economic activities | |Why do some places become manufacturing centres? |
|The changes in activity resulting from developments |Cambridge Science Park |Changes in economic activity often result from changes|
|in transport and technology |Iron & Steel in S. Wales |in transport and technology.’ Comment on this |
| |Lucky Goldstar in Newport. |statement referring to examples you have studied |
| |Pepsi Cola in Sao Paulo. | |
|Why do some places experience growth while others |Iron & steel in South Wales (Rhondda Valley); |In some places economic activity is growing whilst in |
|decline |Cambridge Science Park, Hedge End Retail Park, |others it is declining. For a country or region you |
| |Southampton City Centre after West Quay |have studied: (i) name and locate the country or |
| |. |region. (ii) Explain the main changes in economic |
| | |activity (iii) Describe the impact these changes are |
| | |having on the quality of life. |
|Economic development in tourism, multinational |Tourism in Nepal (from DME) | |
|corporations and development projects | | |
|Regional help in different countries |Southern Italy | |
| |Welsh Development Agency in South Wales. | |
|Different living standards and GDP in different parts|Newly Industrialised countries – Malaysia. |Measures of wealth - GNP |
|of the world |Japan – growth of industry. |How to classify countries according to wealth |
| | |Reasons why some countries are developing more quickly|
| | |than others |
| | |Two other measures of development |
|How can quality of life change with investment and |Pepsi in Brazil | |
|AID TO LEDC's? | | |
|Trade patterns and trends around the world |MEDC to LEDC trade patterns. |Trade patterns between countries |
| | |State two features of the pattern of trade shown. |
|Trade, investment and aid between countries |Costa Rica and Zambia. |Suggest reasons for the trade being so much greater |
| | |with some areas than others. |
|Where do people live on the earth? Why do lots of |World map and European map. |Distribution of countries with a high population |
|people live in some places and few in others? Factors|Population distribution in the Japan, Brazil, Italy |density from a world map. Two reasons why countries |
|affecting the distribution of population |and UK. |have very low population densities. For a named |
| | |country that you have studied, describe the |
| | |distribution of population. Explain the factors |
| | |affecting the population distribution you have |
| | |described |
|The factors affecting the Birth, death and migration |China & India |Describe migration patterns from a map |
|rates – Demographic transition Model. |Mexico to the USA | |
| |Portugal to France | |
|The population structure (Population Pyramid) |Brazil, Japan and UK | |
|Changes in world population |World population graph | |
|The effects of birth rates, death rates and migration|Brazil, Japan and UK | |
|on population pyramids and population change. |China, India. | |
|The change in the number of people in Rural and urban|Rio de Janeiro, Nairobi, New York. |Suggest PUSH and PULL factors for migrations |
|areas | | |
|Reasons for the location of settlements |Southampton. |Describe the location of a settlement using an OS map |
|The size of settlements and the functions provided |Settlement hierarchy | |
|(goods and services) | | |
|Where are the different land-uses found in |Models – concentric rings & Hoyt | |
|settlements? | | |
|What factors affect population, social and cultural |Southampton. | |
|factors in towns & cities? | | |
|How & why is land-use within settlements changing? |Southampton, Tokyo, Los Angeles |What are the advantages and disadvantages of using |
| | |air photographs to study settlement change? |
|Reasons for the growth or decline of population, |Southampton, Los Angeles, Tokyo |Suggest reasons that a settlement has not grown very |
|activities and area of settlements. | |much in recent years. Use map evidence to suggest why |
| | |very few houses have been built in The New Forest |
|Benefits & problems of growth and decline of |Southampton, Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro, Nairobi. |Many urban areas are growing whilst others are |
|settlements | |declining. For an urban area you have studied, (i) |
| | |Name the urban area (ii) Describe how it is growing or|
| | |declining (iii) Identify and explain an issue that is |
| | |likely to arise from the change. |
|The conflicts that arise as settlements change. |Southampton, Los Angeles, Detroit, Phoenix, Rio de |For a named settlement you have studied, explain the |
| |Janeiro, Nairobi. |issues and conflicts arsing from the changes at the |
| | |edge of the settlement |
State two ways in which the UK will be effected by global warming.
(ii) Suggest two reasons for the predicted rise in temperature.
(iii) Explain why climate change may be more damaging for people in LEDCs than in MEDCS.
2. Natural Hazards and People
1. Physical Systems and Environments
2. Less Economically Developed Countries
3. More Economically Developed Countries, outside EU
1. The European Union, including the UK
What do we mean by ‘quality of life’? Heath, wealth, job, house, family, car, water, food, education etc…
You can make your own case study cards to help with your revision – use different colour card?
Revision Tips ❑ Use the course outline to help you. ❑ Pick out headings on the course outline and do some work on each. ❑ Go through your exercise books carefully. ❑ Use your textbooks to check any facts. ❑ Make brief notes on each topic to help you remember facts, and don’t forget to use examples wherever you can. ❑ Arrange your revision into short units so you can concentrate on small areas at a time. ❑ Remember that revision programmes are regularly screened on TV. ❑ Check out the Internet to find the most useful Geography revision sites. ❑ Try and find a quiet area to revise where you will not be disturbed too much. ❑ If you need any extra help please ask your teacher.
FOUNDATION PAPER ADVICE…………….. ❑ Always give clear definitions of location for a case study e.g. Sao Paulo in SE Brazil. ❑ Always complete a question - no gaps. ❑ Avoid vague statements e.g. good education, nice climate, good soils - always add place detail or give facts and figures. ❑ Use the resources well and refer to them in your answers. ❑ Be precise in your answers remember it.s better to have quality rather than quantity. ❑ On the Foundation Paper, if 4 lines are given for an answer, then 2 or 3 words are simply not enough. ❑ Watch your spelling, punctuation and grammar and always try to use proper geographical terms.
HIGHER PAPER ADVICE………………………… ❑ Always give detailed information about the place and location. Geography is about the real world so show the examiner that you are writing about a real place that you have learnt about. ❑ Always target your answer the question being asked, not one that suits you,or everything you have learnt about the topic. ❑ Always complete a question. If you are not sure whether a point is corrector relevant, include it. You will not lose any marks and might gain some. ❑ Answer precisely and concisely. Facts need to be specific. Marks will not be awarded for vague terms such as .nice., .good., .hot., .dry. unless you give detailed information to support them. ❑ Use the resources, these may be numerical, graphical, pictorial, or written, or a combination, well. Be sure to do what the questions ask. Remember you will not be awarded marks for simply copying information; you need to use it. ❑ Make clear, precise and relevant points. ❑ Practise writing answers under timed conditions. ❑ Manage your time efficiently; remember that if you spend too much time on one question the extra marks you gain are unlikely to make up for the loss of time (and marks) on other questions. ❑ Plan your answers to the section (e) questions by making notes. This will help you recall and select the information you need and give it a logical sequence that targets the question being asked. ❑ Think of the examination as an opportunity to show what you know and understand about a particular topic you have studied, to show off your Geographical ability in the way you answer the question. ❑ Make a real effort to write in clear and concise English with accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar.
For a natural hazard which you have studied, other than a volcanic eruption:
(i) name and locate the natural hazard;
(ii) explain, in detail, the causes of the hazard;
(iii) describe its effects on the people in the area.
3. Economic Systems and Development
4. Population and Settlement.
Some settlements are growing whilst others are declining. Use examples you have studied to explain the benefits and problems that arise from either settlement growth or decline.
The population of Coventry declined from a peak of 335 000 in 1971 to 313 800 in 1991. Many cities are also experiencing declining populations. Explain why this is happening.
Use Them More Than Once? Yes, you can use one case study in different themes. Make a list of your major Case Studies.
Remember you need examples from an LEDC, MEDC, UK and the European Union.
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You have 6:15 hours to complete the entire exam; this includes a 15 minute break.…
- 381 Words
- 2 Pages
Satisfactory Essays -
through the entire exam and adjust your pace accordingly. READ CAREFULLY! Be sure to fill in the double…
- 3663 Words
- 15 Pages
Powerful Essays -
The following is a sample of the type of exams that I will be giving in class. Try completing this exam in 45 minutes. This should be roughly half the size of your exam.…
- 907 Words
- 4 Pages
Better Essays -
1 Exam duration is TWO HOURS plus 10 minutes reading time. Students may choose to commence writing during the reading time ONCE THEY HAVE CLOSELY READ THE EXTRACT.…
- 1692 Words
- 12 Pages
Good Essays -
Know the definition of political geography as it was given by the Ad Hoc Committee on Geography of the AAG (this is the one we gave in class)…
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Good Essays