Before graduating, he joined the Texas Air National Guard. He was accepted through the uninvited help of a family friend. Here he earned his fighter pilot certification in June 1970. Bush was honorably discharged from the Air Force Reserve on November 21, 1974, because of …show more content…
the despite irregular attendance and questions about whether he had completely fulfilled his military obligation. After he earned his Masters of Business Administration degree, he returned to Midland and entered oil business. Later, he started his own oil and gas firm. He was introduced to Laura Welch, a school teacher and librarian, by his friends and they were married on November 5, 1977. Bush and his family moved to Washington DC to work on his father’s bid for the White House. After his father’s 1992 reelection loss to Bill Clinton, he decided to run for governor of Texas as a Republican. His focused on welfare and tort reform, crime reduction, and education improvement. Bush won the election with 53 percent of the vote and became the first child of a US president to be elected a state governor. He became the first Texas governor to be elected to consecutive four-year terms. During his term, he promoted educational reform, paying teachers’ salaries to student performance on standardized tests. He also signed into law legislation lowering the age at which juveniles could be tried in adult courts.
He wanted to be president so in 1999, he won the Republican presidential nomination.
He won the victory for president between him and Al Gore. On September 11, 2001, Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked four US commercial jetliners and three of them hit their targets in New York and Washington DC. The fourth plane crashed into farmer’s field in Pennsylvania. In 2002, the Bush administration announced that the United States would use military force if necessary to prevent threats to its national security by terrorists. It successfully obtained a UN Security Council resolution to return weapons inspectors to Iraq. Soon, Bush declared that Iraq hadn’t compiled with inspections, and the US launched a successful invasion of Iraq and defeated the Iraqi military on March 20, 2003. He declared an end to major combat operations on March 1,
After he left office in January 2009, the country remained politically divided. He was the 43rd US President. He is still alive today.