George H.W Bush was born on June 12,1924, in Milton, Massachusetts. George was the son of Prescott Sheldon Bush who was a Senator from Connecticut, and Dorothy Bush who came from a well known family. They were both very wealthy and politically involved. He was brought up as part of the Episcopal Church. He grew up in Connecticut, with three other brothers and one sister. George began his education at Phillips Academy which was an elite boarding school. When Bush was 17, he met a girl named …show more content…
Bush was always good with people, and by being the chairman, it helped him form relationships in the Republican Party that helped him throughout his political career. In 1964 he ran for US senate, but he struggled because he was just known as a carpetbagger from the North. George ended up losing the election to Ralph Yarborough. He then was elected to more important positions such as House of Representatives, Ambassador to the United Nations,Director of Central Intelligence, and then served as the Vice President of the US during the presidency of Ronald Reagan. In 1988, George was elected as the Republican Party’s candidate for the office of US president. At his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, he stated one of his famous quotes “Read my lips:No new taxes.” While Bush was president, the Cold war finally ended, and the Soviet Union was falling apart. In 1992, Bush visited Kiichi Miyazawa, the Prime Minister of Japan, and ended up vomiting and fainting at the dinner feast, claiming it was the flu. Although, George had many accomplishments such as when the dictator of Iraq invaded Kuwait to steal their supplies of oil,Bush lead the US and other countries to protect Kuwait,which is known as the Gulf War. In office, George also invaded Panama to remove its dictator Manuel Noriega, because he was accused of drug trafficking. Another accomplishment was he signed in important laws such as The Americans with Disabilities Act. The act prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment,transportations,communications etc. George was doing well until the country came to a recession. The debt grew, so George had to break his promise, and raise the taxes. George was embarrassed, and believed that was why he lost the second election against