
Why Is George Washington The Most Influential President

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Why Is George Washington The Most Influential President
I think that George Washington was the most influential president because he made the plans to build the white house. He also established the tradition of a cabinet advisor. He signed the first copy right law, and he set precedents for the social life of the president. He issued the first copy right law, and thanksgiving proclamation. He personality led troops into the field to stop the whiskey rebellion. He only vetoed 2 laws while she was the president, he delivered an important farewell address. His second inaugural address is the shortest ever delivered, he also delivered an address of religious tolerance.
George Washington made plans to build the white house. He was the only president who didn’t occupy the white house. Congress passed an act called toe residence act to put capitol in Washington D. C. If George Washington hadn’t
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On May 31, 1790 he signed the copyright act of 1790. He signed it to encourage people to learn more. This made people learn more so that they would be stronger. He set precede cents for the social life of the presidents. He set aside times to social life of presidents. He set aside times of the day to socialize so that they wouldn’t be so overwhelmed. He had a time of day where he excepted calls. He over all made the life of a president a lot less overwhelming. He made the first Thanksgiving proclamation. He made thanksgiving a national holiday He made itorigiorally on November 26th. It then became a holiday celebrated all around the country. He personally led troops into the field to stop the Whiskey Rebellion. He vetoed a bill to cut the side of the army. He made the army a lot stronger. This in all made the country a lot stronger. He vetoed only two bills while he was president. He made the country have a lot of religious tolerance. He promised that there would be not religious persecution in the United States of America. This made the country have more unity and less

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