against ABVP (Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad) shared her opinion on Social media against the right wing student body for their unfair means of conduct, she was holding a placard named I’m not afraid of ABVP since she thought against the party , the social media tries to defame her and dug out her past campaign in which she’s holding a placard that reads: Pakistan did not kill my dad. War killed him; the purpose of this was to promote a better relationship with our neighbors. But since she’s holding a unorthodox thought social media users deemed her as anti-national and bombarded her with rape and murder threats. (India Today)
Doublespeak is a termed coined by Orwell which is a combination of doublethink and newspeak, it means saying one thing and meaning another.
In 1984 when BIG BROTHER and party says Peace they mean war, when they say love they mean hate, and when they say freedom they mean Slavery. “WAR IS PEACE, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH FREEDOM IS SLAVERY” (Orwell-) the use of word such as euphemism, synonym, antonym are the politically correct words to influence the masses and manipulate as per the government ideologies. Present day instance such as “More Surveillance is needed to stop terrorism” but what this really means is more surveillance is needed on you so that the regime can grow without any resistance. “Freedom of speech and expression” recently in the JNU row the JNU president Kanhaiya kumar was arrested on the charges of Sedition for sharing his opinion on Supreme Court orders.
Manipulation of History in Orwellian regime is the past is shaped to the needs of the party the job of Winston is to falsify past documents so that they coincide with the present ideals of the party. “As soon as all the corrections…had been assembled and collated, that number would …show more content…
be Reprinted, the original copy destroyed, and the correct copy placed on the files in its Stead” (Orwell 42)
The present day scenario of history manipulation can be found in the use of Wikipedia; any person can go and can edit or add the content to it. “The rewriting of history destroys any sense of the past and with it the sense of personal continuity” (Orwell-222)
Alternative facts are the euphemism for false statements.
Orwell’s present the notion of Doublethink meaning the ability to believe two contradictory things simultaneously from which the false statement is called as alternate fact to hide out the falsity of statement. ‘The citizens were brain washed into believing a false reality where 2+2=5’. The most recent incident which spikes the sales of 1984 and brings it right back into the best sellers list, the book was first published seventy years ago and went the best sellers list on Amazon. Kellyanne Conway, the senior advisor of Donald Trump used the word ‘alternative facts” and readers draw it parallel to Orwell’s double think. White house press secretary Sean Spicer held his first press briefing and when asked about the inauguration crowd were relatively small in comparison to Barack Obama’s in 2009 where he lied that “this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe” this statement is simply untrue because with the evidence of drones around the multitude of crowd can easily be calculated. But when asked by Kellaynne Conway she clarifies that Spicer is just stating alternative
As reported by the guardian during the time of Trump’s inauguration the book was the sixth best-selling book on Amazon. The world’s largest book seller Penguin has become unable to meet demand as publisher struggles to print more copies.