Otto von Bismarck was one of the three most important political figures in Germany, besides Martin Luther and Adolph Hitler. Prior to World War I, Bismark contributed to and maintained Germany as an international power. In order to maintain Germany as an international power, Bismark’s overall first concern was to keep France isolated to prevent any retribution from France. He prevented any military alliance with France. His second concern was that Austria-Hungary and Russia posed a threat to peace. Bismarck’s solution was to keep Russia and Ausrtia-Hungary close to him to try and prevent any conflict. Russia thought the Ottoman Empire were the “sick man of Europe,” and was negative towards the empire. This worried Bismarck, because he wanted to maintain peace between two enemies, Russia and the Ottoman Empire. Bismarck’s efforts at the Conference of Berlin (1878), angered Russian nationalists which made Bismarck enter a military alliance with Austria against Russia. This alliance ultimately lasted until the end of World War I. Since Italy was on bad terms with France, they were motivated to join Germany. This created the Triple Alliance. Bismarck remained fearful about tensions between Russia and Austria-Hungary, so he built a secret alliance with both counties. In 1887, Russia declined to renew the alliance because of the Balkan conflict. Instead, Bismarck substituted the alliance with a Russian-Germany Reinsurance Treaty, in which both states promised neutrality. Otto von Bismark had everything under control in Europe and maintained Germany’s power. He fostered good relationships with Britain. With his peaceful ways, Europe was set to good terms. This ended when new Emperor William II expelled Bismark as a Chancellor. William II did not support the friendly policy towards Russia which lead to the termination of Otto von Bismarck. William then refused to renew the peaceful Russian-Germany Reinsurance, even though Russia wanted to do so. This overall was a poor decision, because this prompted the captive France to create a friendship with Russia. As a result, Europe was separated into two separate alliances, the Triple Alliance (Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary) verses France and Russia. This was the division of two rival blocs. Then there is Great Britain, who has isolated themselves from this conflict and had no permanent allies. Prussia and Britain were in good relations in the mid-eighteenth century, but Bismarck gave way to a Germany-Anglo rivalry. There are many reasons behind why the rivalry between Great Britain and Germany occurred. William II triggered the rivalry with rude public statements and Germany wanted to pursue towards world power. This upset Great Britain. Germany’s decision in 1900 to expand its battle fleet, challenged Britain’s long-standing naval supremacy. Germany was frustrated that Britain turned to France. As a result, in 1905 Germany went to an international conference and proposed the whole Moroccan question. This forced Britain and France closer together, resulting to the Algeciras Conference of 1906. Germany was then isolated except for the support of Austria-Hungary. The Morrocan Crisis lead to Britain, France, Russia and even the United States seeing Germany as a dangerous threat, whose goal would be to dominate all of Europe. On the other hand, German leaders were beginning to see threatening plots to develop a huge power against Germany. Nationalists viewed Britain and Germany in a love-hate relationship. The leading nations were divided into separate blocs. On top of all of this, a shot was fired that changed history forever. In 1908, Austria seized Bosnia and Herzegovina, which had large Serbian, Croation and Muslim populations. The kingdom of Serbia exploded in rage, but could do nothing without Russian support. Two Balkan Wars broke out, and Austria might have been next to be broken apart. While tense conflict was about, Archduke Francis Ferdinand was going to be heir to the Austrian and Hungarian throne. Subsequently and unfortunately, Serbian revolutionaries assassinated the Archduke and his wife, Sophie. Austria-Hungary decided to extremely punish Serbia. Austria inflicted war upon Serbia creating the third Balkan War. Germany, was there to strongly support Austria-Hungary. Russia would not stand and see Serbia get crushed, so they joined forces. Once Russia began mobilizing, Germany declared war on Russia. France was then drawn in against Germany and Austria-Hungary. Great Britain declared war on Germany resulting in the First World War.
Germany was one of the biggest contributors to WWI. In just twenty years Germany was seen as trying to create peace to inflicting one of the most brutal wars in history.
Once Bismarck was gone, Germany became a negative threat to the rest of the world. WWI ultimately reflected the political structure of European society and the overall separation of Europe as a whole. The causes of WWI foreshadows the power Germany will have in the events to come in European history.