Make observations of the seeds on day one.
6. On day two get three paper towels, one for each group of seeds.
7. Fold the towels so they will fit in Ziploc bags comfortably.
8. Distribute seeds and selected liquid on to the paper towel evenly.
9. Transfer the label of what group the water is from the cup to the Ziploc bag.
10. Check for germination of seeds and write percent germination in observations.
11. Write descriptive data in observations
12. Rinse cups, place on drying rack.
13. Put the paper towel with seeds into to Ziploc and close it.
14. Clean area and wash hands.
15. Next day check for percent of germination and record data in observations.
16. Change paper towels out for new ones, spread seeds out evenly again on new towels
17. Add correct solution of liquid to new paper towels.
18. Record data of any radical growth in observations. Record measurements in cm.
19. Find the average of all the seeds in group
20. Compare that average to the average of the other two experimental groups.
21. Discard any rotten or moldy beans that have been determined that will not grow.
22. Repeat steps 15 through 20 for days 4 through 11.
Average Seed Growth With Different pH Water Per Day
Liquid Group
Five …show more content…
The procedures that we used to get this outcome didn’t stray from the normal procedures so that we could get a more precise outcome. We began to discard seeds on day 7 to a couple seeds that were rotting and the reason for this most likely was that they didn’t have a proper environment to ensure survival and two of the three groups had manipulated pH levels. Our experiment went fairly well besides the just said statement; something that could be done differently is to not only manipulating pH but also other environmental factors such as light level or color. The data supports our hypothesis due to the fact that the tap water had the most growth in the table of