Cohan’s investigation focuses primarily on the benefits of germline engineering, stating that reprogenetic technology would assist parents in providing their children with augmented lifespan and health, as well as an increase in the individual’s intellectuality and overall felicity. Darnovsky is aware that the technology could also help to prevent and withstand disease and assist in improving an individual’s body mass index. However, she believes the technology will require humans to reevaluate the core definition of a human as “genetically superior” children would grow to dominate the economic and social world. She also states that those who are financially inept won’t have access to the expensive technology, and will be put at further inequality. Cohan argues that our society has already created a social caste system in which wealthy parents can provide their children with the advantages of the latest
Cited: Cohan, Jon A. "Ethics of Genetic Enhancement." Metanexus Institute, 2002. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. . Darnovsky, Marcy. "The Case Against Designer Babies: The Politics of Genetic Enhancement."Redesigning Life?: the Worldwide Challenge to Genetic Engineering. London: Zed, 2001. 133-49. Print. Dayal, Molina B. "Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis." Emedicine. Medscape, 24 Sept. 2010. Web. 7 Mar. 2011. .