“A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” is a quotation of Lao Tzu, a Chinese philosopher. This is one of the famous inspirational words ever, used for getting started. However challenging and difficult any goal it seems, you get there by just beginning. It is applicable to a wide range of various types of situations, not only for actual trips or travels, but also tasks, goals or actions where something needs to be done. Somebody who dreams big but never acts to make their dreams real will never attain them. Somebody who wants to make dream come true but hang to the worries their dreams are always daydreams. Now, you should get rid of worries, begin your journey and never give up.
When you try to start doing something, often, worries prevent you from taking the first step. They become problems, abstract problems. Remember, worries are like rain; they just fall and then pass away. You can release them. No matter what is going to happen, courageously confront any challenge, keep fighting and start your own adventure.
Waiting and doing nothing do not help you to reach your goal and complete your journey. Because opportunity usually doesn’t knock, you have to build a door. If you wait for things to happen, probably nothing would happen. You have to make a starting point somewhere and do things. Once you take the first step, the second, the third, and all the steps would follow.
Plato, a one of the world’s best known philosopher, said “The beginning is the most important part of work.” If you need a job, you have to start looking for it. If you want to be a successful writer, you have to practice, write a lot and inspire yourself. Even a simple task such as cooking, you have to begin thinking about menu and move out your bottom from the chair and buy ingredients. Getting started is by far the hardest part. The important thing is not to give up, never surrender.
Remember the words of Lao Tzu, “A journey of a