Assignment on Pay structure of civil service between Bangladesh and Singapore :An overview/A Comperative Analysis
Course Code: 353
Course Title: Administration of South & South-East Asia
Submission Date: 21-06-2013
Submitted to
Mohammad Samiul Islam
Assistant Professor
Department of Public Administration Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet
Submitted by
Lucky purkayastha
Reg no-2010237006
3rd year 1st semester
Dept.of Public Administration
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
Pay represents by far the most important and contentious element in the employment relationship, and is of equal interest to the employer, employee and government.In every sectors employees are paid for performing their duties and responsibilities.All the civil servants both in Bangladesh and Singapore are also paid though wages,salary,compansation.All employees are not paid at same rate.They are structured in various grades and scales.
Key words:
Civil service,pay system,scale,grade etc.
Objectives of the study:
-To know the civil service of Bangladesh and Singapore
-To know the pay system of Bangladesh and Singapore
-To know the pay structure of Bangladesh and Singapore
Civil Service
Civil service becomes an essential part of governance in the modern era. The task of carrying out the state’s business requires the establishment and functioning of structures generally manned by a body of government officials, collectively known as civil service. The term civil service includes all functionaries of the government excepting those in the military service (Report of the Pay and Services Commission,1997). The military and elected officials of the Republic are excluded from this term.
According to Rai and Singh, the civil service means a professional body of neutral experts in administration dedicated to serve without
References: Rai, h. and Singh, S.P. (1979), Current Ideas and Issues in Indian Administration --- A Development Perspective.New Delhi : Uppal Punishing House UNDP (2007), Role and Capacity of the Public Service Commission. Dhaka: UNDP Ali, A.M.M. shawkat (2007), Civil service Management in Bangladesh: An Agenda for Policy Reform. Dhaka. Khanzode V.V(1992)Human resource management,Ashish Publishing House,p.119-120