Sonya Hartnett’s The Ghost’s Child reveals the mystifying story of Matilda’s remarkable journey up the mountain of life. Even though the departure of Feather pained Maddy emotionally, the overall outcome significantly boosted her emotional strength and confidence. Feather loved Maddy so much, but he knew he couldn’t change, so he had to do what was best for Maddy in order for her to be happy. The loss of Feather as well as the Fay encouraged Maddy to embark on many new adventures. At the end of Matilda’s glorious journey of life, she was, truly, happy.
All Feather wanted was for Maddy to be happy, and the only way that was possible was to free her from herself by leaving her and letting her go. Maddy had thought that because of all the times he crept off to the beach, and to be with just the water and sand, that "Feather didn't care" about her, but it was not her, it was that Maddy was "less important than this strange, mysterious summoning thing". Feather knew he couldn’t change his lifestyle to live with Maddy, and if he didn’t, he would continue to hurt her inside. The only way to satisfy them both was to leave. It was not the fact that Feather could not change for Maddy, but that he could not change enough for Maddy. Feather is willing to do anything for Maddy to “make her happy”. Even when he says that “it makes no difference” to him, it actually does, and he knows that if he does “move to the desert” with Maddy, they won’t be able to live happily together because of Feathers urge to get back to his old life. Maddy was holding Feather back by making him more civilized and changing him to be the opposite of the person she fell in love with. After living with Feather for quite a while, Maddy “still called him Feather, but it was easy to forget why” because of the new clothes she made him wear and his hair was washed and looked smart, and he had just lost the “strange smoky