Christopher Bruce created ghost Dances in 1981 with the Dance
Company Rambert dance company. Christopher’s first inspiration for the dance was when he was given some records by a chillian group into‐Illimani. He met Joan Jara‐ Victor Jara (famous folk singer, actor, performer) who was a widow, he was murdered in 1973 coup, it was the story he heard about the stories in chillie, wanted to make a dance piece which suggested the suffering and the innocent people that got caught up in the violence and the persecution. The defiance, ‘doesn’t matter how many times your knock people down, if they have a strong core they will get up again” no one matter how much there lives are effected by tragedy they still have dignity.
One of the two main themes that are seen throughout the dance are suffering, persecution of the innocent and defiance and fighting for justice “No matter the trauma & suffering people will stand up for what is right” Although the music and costumes are based on a
Chilean background. It has a universal story and you can link it with worldwide issues that also deal with suffering and persecution.
Although the social message is important It is not emphasized at the expense of theatricality and the presentation is varied with contrasting sections in which the Dead are seen reenacting moments of happiness in their lives.
Also another huge theme is Freedom/democracy. Bruce, typically maintains the universality of his subject and it has much wider resonance. The dead could represent Asian or European communities as well as American. As hr said in an interview in the
Houston Post (22nd may 1988) ‘Although it has a south American
setting, it