My Novel
Title: Girl with a Pearl Earing
Author: Tracy Chevalier
Publisher: Harper Collins Publisher 1999
Entry 1
Why I chose this novel:
“Girl with a Pearl Earring” is a classic novel that I have never had the chance to read and is something I have always wanted to. For my first novel I read “The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo” in which one of the main characters Lisabeth is portrayed as quite a heroic woman and I think it would be interesting to compare her with the Girl with a pearl earring. I also enjoy reading books set during renaissance which made the novel more appealing.
The Cover:
The central focus of the cover is the painting of a girl with the girl with the pear earing. This is an old famous painting by the artist Johannes Vermeer. It is a very striking and bold picture that uses deep rich colours, and the girls wide eyes seem to stare at you. The painting is very striking so in turn it is quite a striking cover for a book that would stand out amongst many others. Underneath the girl is a small painting of an old fashion European looking town with a river, this gives an idea of where the book will be set and the time period. The novel does not have a blurb so it leaves the reader a mystery on its contents. Instead the novel has a list of high reviews on the back cover praising the book and its story and how it is written.
What do I think it will be about?
From the cover I am unsure on what the book will be about, there is no blurb so I don’t know the storyline at all, my biggest clue is the title. I think the novel will be based on possibly a wealthy girl with pearl earrings and will have some mystery to it.
Cover Design
I think it is a good cover design as it is not very generic. I find it appealing as I enjoy reading books set in the past and the cover shows that this is the case. The cover will attract people who enjoy reading the old fashioned classics. The cover also leaves some mystery about the