January 19, 2010
Robert Reightler For Undergraduate Program Kaplan University
“HU345-01: R. Dean Davenport, Ph.D., J.D.”
Global Warming Global Warming: Fact or Fiction?
Global Warming is the hottest topic of the global environmental movement in the last decade. While warming trends have affected weather patterns causing drought conditions, polar icecap meltdown, and severe storm cycles like those that spawned hurricane Katrina in 2005, scientists are divided on whether or not made-made pollutants are the cause. Our government controls the majority of funding for research regarding this topic. Many of our representatives are already convinced that man-made global warming is a fact and thus they largely fund only those who support their view. The science of dollars and sense of the issue is that you either come to the same delusion or your research grant will be canceled. This is why we see large government agencies like NASA here in the states and the English Climate Research Unit (CRU) apparently skewing research data on the subject. I believe that contrary to popular rhetoric global warming is not primarily man-made and our efforts to spend vast amounts of public resources is a vain effort that will result in little overall climate change, but will adversely effect the economy of the United States.
I believe that global warming is occurring over much of the globe at this time. However, I also am convinced it is part of the natural ecological cycle. Such cycles have occurred and been measured over the last 200 years. In one example of hysteric alarmism, people were afraid man-made pollutants were causing the earth to cool prematurely. Many articles were written that caused a stir in the 1970’s. A few may remember a Newsweek article which can be viewed at http://sweetnesslight.com/newsweek_coolingworld.pdf. In the aforementioned article the author called
Global Warming for emergency action to prevent
References: The Fox News website retrieved on January 10, 2010, has general information about newsworthy facts at http://www.foxnews.com. Avery, D.T., Singer, S.F., (2007), Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years, Updated and Expanded Edition. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Spencer, R. (2008), Climate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians and Misguided Policies that Hurt the Poor. Encounter Books, New York, New York. Gore, A. (2006), An Inconvenient Truth, Rodale Publishing, Emmaus, PA. The Newsweek website retrieved on December 17, 2009, has good information about newsworthy facts at www.newsweek.com. Global Warming The Washington Times website retrieved on December 07, 2009, has good information about newsworthy facts at www.washingtontimes.com. 2