Analyse Breaking down a subject area or topic into separate parts and examining the content to show how the main ideas are related and why they are important.
Appraisal An informed opinion made about someone or something in order to assess effectiveness.
Assessment criteria The guide to the requirements of your assignment tasks.
Assessment framework Specialist frameworks against which children’s development is measured
Attachment The forming of a close bond with main care giver
Barriers An obstruction which is stopping progress in some way. This could be either physical or emotional
Bereavement The loss of a loved one through death
Behaviourist Research the way children repeat action in response to reinforcement and stimuli (Pavlov)
Brief/concise Containing only the necessary information, without any extra detail
Bi-lingual The ability to speak two languages with ease
Multi-lingual The ability to speak more than two languages with ease
Case study A scenario used an activity to give an example of a situation or study
Charities Organisations working for good causes on a non profit basis
Child Persons up to the age of 18 years according to the UNCRC
Code of conduct A set of rules outlining the responsibilities of an individual party or organisation
Common assessment framework A shared assessment and planning framework to be used by all practitioners working for children services in all areas in England and Northern Ireland. The CAF came out of the green paper Every Child Matters and (DfES 2003) and the Children’s Act 2004.
This outlined a framework of assessment common to all practitioners working with children who might be vulnerable children, as a way to intervene before a situation reached crisis point.
Effective communication, child and young people development, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child, supporting transition, multi-agency working, sharing information, the 6