MEng Mechanical Engineering | Medical Glove | Nina Syafina MOHAMED SHUKOR | May 2013 | Dr. Roger Lewis | Thesis submitted to the University of Sheffield in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering |
* Summary The first item in your thesis should be a summary. This should include, concisely, the following (but not in bullet point format): * the context of the project (why you did it) * the work carried out (what you did) * the methods used (how you did it) * what you found out (the results) * what it means (the discussion) * what you concluded (the conclusions) This should all be included in no more than 200 words.
* Nomenclature
You may wish to include a nomenclature if you have many mathematical symbols. List the symbols in alphabetical order. Remember that your reader may not be an expert in the field of your project. In any case, symbols should be defined on first appearing in the text. Separate lists for Roman and Greek letters, subscripts and superscripts. The International System for units (SI) should be used. The example below is formatted using a borderless table and is the easiest way to get it aligned correctly. CD | Drag coefficient | v | Velocity (m/s) | Vx, Vy | Velocity components in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively (m/s) | | Density of fluid (kg/m3) |
* Contents
Summary ii
Nomenclature iii
Contents iv
Acknowledgements vi
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Literature Reviews 2
1.2.1 Tactile Sensory 2 2
1.2.2 Psychophysical Performance; Tactile Discrimination of Textured Surfaces 4
1.2.3 Medical Glove 6
1.2.4 Problems with the Template Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.3 Using the Template Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.4 Introduction (style – ‘Heading