Do you agree that targeting college students and teens can increase traffic to the website? Is it a marketing strategy worth pursuing? Why or why not? Cite other recommendation.
Yes we agree that targeting college students and teens can increase traffic to the Web site. It is always a boost for a website’s popularity to target all possible audiences from around the world. Therefore, it is a marketing strategy worth pursuing. Everybody is the audience. It is just a matter of how to pursue or catch the audience’s interest. It is very important that all mediums be exhausted to promote the website. For example, GMA could promote their website through effective use of the TRIMP medium. But also promote their website through online advertising on social networking sites where students or teens spend much of their time.
Can mobile advertising (promoting the Web Site through SMS) help to increase awareness of the web site? Why? Why not? Discuss your answer.
Mobile advertising, if done effectively, could promote more awareness of the Web site. For example, teasers of hot news or topics that the network think the target user is interested in or more inclined to pursue reading could be sent to the mobile thru SMS. But the advertiser should also use this method sparingly and not bombard the user with unsolicited messages that may backfire. In the Philippines, where there are more mobile prepaid users than postpaid, annoyed users could simply change numbers and therefore the target audience is lost.
E- Marketing D -14 8 September 2010
Group 2: Prof. Danny B.
Oliver V. Guevarra
Zhao Lin (Gem)
Christine T. Ralleta
Neil Torres
Lesley Yu
What do you think is the real reason why has low reach among online users? Is it low awareness for the Web site? Discuss.
The real reason could be simply lack of awareness or it could also be lack of interesting topics that the target