Second let me explain the structure of GNC!.
Part-time/Full-time sales associates make minimum wage with commission on third-party products/.
Assistant M/Managers are paid on salary, must work 40 hours a week and receive commission on third-party products plus a three and five percent commission on GNC products respectively;. My manager said with the commission he can make around 40k a year|. (note some sales associates can make three percent commission on GNC products if they were once a manager and stepped down, or they were working with the company when it used to give sales associates commission on GNC products|.)
Sectional Sales Manager (SSM) Is the manager of managers for about 3-5 stores within their region/. Basically is the person to call when something goes wrong and manager can 't be reached; also does checks to make sure duties are done in his group of stores on time. From what I am to understand they do not make much more than a manager, and are still managers themselves at their home stores.
Regional Sales Director (RSD) Basically the "bosses boss" has the control of a region which can consist of anything from 10-30 or more stores. Does not actually work in any store just drives around and critiques everything everyone does. From the