
Gnik's Wife Monologue

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Gnik's Wife Monologue

Gnik tightened the seatbelt around his waist, and he mindlessly looked at his watch. Still 10:27 PM, Gnik thought. He reread the text he was composing to Pam: Hey, Pam--it's me again. Gnik with a 'G.’ Do you have some time to chat tomorrow morning? Regular time, regular place? Let me know. Satisfied, Gnik pressed the send button on his phone just as the pilot finally made the announcement to turn off all electronic devices. Gnik automatically complied, tucking his phone into the breast pocket of his sport coat. Gnik absently looked at the safety instruction card as his mind replayed the presentation he had given a few short hours ago. "Business or pleasure?" The woman interrupting Gnik’s thoughts looked the part of
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I spent the weekend back home visiting my college crew and some family. I was also able to squeeze in a marketing presentation at the same time."

The woman pulled out a book of crossword puzzles and flipped to a partially completed puzzle. She held the page with her finger, and she refocused her attention on Gnik. "You're interested in marketing?" "Yeah, I started my own business a while back. I've been on my own for over a year now." Gnik was tired from the busy weekend, but he recognized this as an opportunity to make a new connection with a fellow traveler. He turned the conversation back to his seatmate. "What about you? What do you do?" The woman stuck her pencil in the book and closed the pages around it. With a wry smile, she said, "You wouldn't believe me." Gnik realized he was enjoying the banter. He smiled and challenged, "Try me." The woman, who had introduced herself as Whitney, laughed and acted like she was telling Gnik a secret. "I'm a standup
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Some of the feedback he'd received included a suggestion to lighten up his speech a bit. Gnik shared his situation with Whitney. "I'd love to continue this conversation. Maybe I can help you with some of your marketing, and I could use some tips on how to be a little more entertaining. Do you have a card?" Instinctively, Whitney looked through her purse, then realized there were no business cards stocked there. "I think I have them packed in my suitcase. But you can find me on LinkedIn. Are you on LinkedIn? Gnik instantly thought back to the conversation he'd had with Garrett some time ago. Garrett had introduced Gnik to the idea of using LinkedIn as a part of his networking strategy. He had set up an account and had connected with a few friends and business contacts, but he hadn't taken the time to learn how to use yet another social networking tool. "Yeah, I think so," Gnik answered. "But I'm not on very much. How do I find you?" Whitney explained, “It’s simple. All you have to do is type my name in the search box on your home page.” Whitney made sure that Gnik wrote down her name and email address. The two continued the flight with some small talk, and eventually, they shook hands and thanked each other for the enjoyable

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