ameliorating, the actual action that must be taken never happens. This is what the girl in the book goes through, she is always thinking about becoming better, but as she finally starts to improve and stop just thinking about it, she accumulates a mindset of becoming better. Now this girl has a constants need to be progressive, giving her no true identity except the thought of wanting a better one. Later in the book the young girl runs away from her home and makes a new life for herself in California.
She acquires a job at a department store and after a few days of working the owner of the store invites her to a party at her loft. While at the party the girl is exposed to drugs, she had been trying to stay away from the demon pills, but it didn’t work. “One of the men passed me a joint and that was it. I wanted to be ripped, smashed, torn up as I had never wanted anything before. This was the scene, and I wanted to be part of it” (page 76). This girl was exposed to drugs without her knowledge but after being exposed she needed the high. She sought out the pills. After finally getting clean she is exposed again, while she could have rejected the ‘joint’ she isn’t confident enough in herself to do so in front of others. Her uncertainty allows her judgment to be influenced, which makes her addiction grow
vigorously. Teenagers of this age see drugs as a way to escape from their problems. Which is half the predicament with this generation, we are all about avoiding issues rather then facing them head on.