Goals and Expectations
A. The goal is that college and pro scouts will be able to consistently identify physical qualities AND key emotional/psychological skills that athletes need to achieve optimum success on the playing field 75% of the time.
Expected Outcomes
A. College and pro scouts will identify key emotional/psychological skills in athletes across various sports 75% of the time.
1. Within a three year period from the start of consistent psychological assessment use, college and pro scouts will be proficiently trained on how to utilize psychological assessment tools to select and train athletes.
2. Colleges and pro scouts will recognize the need to analyze and assess athlete’s …show more content…
A minimum of three psychological assessment tools and/or new assessment tests that identify psychological skills pertinent to athletic sports will be used by college scouts and faculty (inclusive to coaches, athletic directors etc.) and by pro scouts (team coaches, owners, and other staff) in conjunction with current physical quality testing and observations.
1. 95% of college and pro scouts will use the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory CSAI-2 test to identify debilitating and facilitating psychological characteristics and the frequency of these characteristics.
2. 95% of college and pro scouts will use the Athletic Motivation Inventory (AMI) to measure the following psychological constructs: drive, self-confidence, aggressiveness, coachability, emotional control conscience development, trust, responsibility, leadership and mental toughness.
3. 95% of college and pro scouts will use one or more of the following psychological assessments (or new proven assessments as they become available): a. Test of Attentional Interpersonal Style (TAIS) a test formulated to predict athletic performance based on the constructs of affiliation and