Goals in life
Everyone seems to ask themselves what do they really want from their life? The only question is what kind of life you want. Each person chooses his/her own path in life. In many people lives, there are many different interests. This mean that a person may give special attention to something that they love to do in life. Some people want wealthy and fame, while others want a happy family. From a person coming from a rich family they have a better opportunity on achieving their goal. On other hand a poor person will find it very difficult to achieve their goals. Every person should have a goal they want to accomplish in life. As a student in American International School of Abu Dhabi, One goal that I work hard at daily is to try to do well in high school. I try to involve myself in any activity that I can, both academically and socially, so that I can graduate with honors. The reason why I do this is because I plan on going to college, and I would like to be able to get accepted into any school that I apply to. Another goal in life I want to attain is to become a better person in life. Everyone knows that when you are a good person, others will treat you the same. This goal is not a very hard goal to achieve in life, this goal leads to my social goals. For a career goal and education, I have a lot of those. Everyone knows that if you want to be someone in life you need to have a good education. I am hoping that when I get my masters I will really hope to get my PHD. It is hard to keep that on my goal list, because I’m not really motivating myself on getting it. Though I hope I get a good paying job, again if I have a good education I will have a good job The purpose of having a goal is to make progress. By accomplishing these goals, I would have lived my life to the fullest. It is important to live life to its fullest because life is too short. To achieve the goals above I need to have