Dr. Walker
GNED 101-04
November 11, 2013
God’s Purpose for My Life To truly understand one’s purpose in life he must look at the talents God has given to him in a particular field of study and comprehend how that occupation can be used to the glorification of God. The collection of this information isn’t always easy and usually requires a myriad of “talks” with God in the form of daily Bible reading and prayer. I like to think God has given me a great mind for physiology and due to my interest in physiology and willingness to help those who need it I believe that God has called me to the medical profession. Much of my childhood I was exposed to natural medicines and I believe that God pre-ordained me to be placed in such an environment so I could use the information I’ve accumulated to get a head start and peak my interest in the field of medicine. In high school I worked at a natural alternative medicine store and it filled me joy every time I could recommend a product with no side effects to a sick customer. While working in that store it was amazing feeling to see how grateful people were to get a product that would relieve their ailments while not having to worry about any side effects. The way natural medicine is looked down on is the main problem with the medical profession, most medical professionals say that there is no real evidence that natural medicine is an effective form of treatment. I disagree and contend that considering God’s hatred of seeing his creatures suffer God would not have placed us on this world without a way to care for ourselves naturally. Since so much money and time goes into becoming certified in the medical profession the monetary income is very important as well. Although I enjoy helping people with their medical needs foremost I also volunteer for food drives and housing projects to help others with their physical needs, if a person could not land a job suited to help other people while making enough income