1. Welcome all students and share something of your expectation and enthusiasm for the course in short.
Welcome: I want to welcome each one of you. You came from different parts of Ghana, and God made it possible for you to come to this children's training. Very welcome!
My expectations: I pray that each one of you, will enjoy this course and that it will change you life. Spiritually - To know God better and His Word. That you will understand children more and that you will have one desire - TO BLESS THE CHILDREN, that you will have one aim - TO REACH THE CHILDREN OF GHANA AND BEYOND, FOR GOD.
2. Use icebreaker games to help students to get to know each other’s names, and to create some kind of bonding. The following are some suggestions:
Let's start by playing a few games:
2.1 Name-game: “I would like to introduce you to my friend…”
2.2 Names by signals: two teams – identify the person behind your back
2.3 Make two big circles (a big circle on the outside, and a small circle on the inside - the two circles must have the exact number of students), let the circles move in opposite directions while the music plays and when the music stops, you must share your answer of the following questions, with the person who stands opposite you in the other side: (after the students answered the question start again to play the music and stop again to answer another question) Here are the question you can ask and be free to make your own questions:
The food I like the most is ...; My favourite colour is ...; The last time I