In all different parts of the Bible, such as passages from Genesis, Job and Psalms, God is seen as the creator. Despite the fact that it is portrayed different in these passages God is always seen as the sole omnipotent, omniscient creator, this is seen as a fact and is never questioned. According to Christian traditions God created the whole universe and caused everything to exist and he will always be the sole person responsible for everything that will ever exist in the Universe. This has created the Creationists belief that matter, forms of life, and the world were created by God out of nothing. Biblical creationists believe that the story told in Genesis of God’s six-day creation of the universe and all living things is literally correct.
Firstly, Genesis 1, God is seen as being a very powerful creator, this is very obvious by the way that Genesis says ‘God commanded, “Let there be light – and light appeared” All God has to do is simply command something and it happens, this shows that he is in control of everything and does not need any help as it is God who solely creates things out of nothing. As God was creating things out of nothing in Genesis 1 this makes him Transcendent; beyond time and space, because he was there before anything else, as the creator. Genesis 1 also states that God must have had a well thought out plan by the way he did specific things each day over just 6 days. This fits into the Bibles description of God being omniscient; all knowing, as surely he knew that his plan would work and that all his creations would come together and seamlessly blend. This connects with God seen to be omnipresent, everywhere, as he could constantly be around to monitor progress and watch over his creations. Also In Genesis 1 God is said to have created things out of nothing (creatio ex nihilo) showing that he is a very powerful creator, this is what the traditional teachings of