General Purpose: To Inform and Tell Story
Specific Purpose: To explain to my audience in my experience how God is real.
I. When I was a young, my family did not preach about religion in the household. A. My mom was Jewish and dad was Baptist. They both believe in God B. My family let me make my own choice about God and religion and I chose not to believe.
II. After becoming a teenager, I was interested about the many religions. I read about the different views and rules. I found out many are alike, but they have so many different rules. I still did not believe.
III. I read and heard about the miracles God has done and can do. A. I am one that has to see it to believe it. I had no faith. B. I like to have lots of fun in my yearly years on life. Too much fun: that fun got me into trouble with the law .I had to do some time in the big house. They say God works in mysterious ways. The story I will tell will prove that.
Thesis Statement: Today I will show you that God is real and the miracles God can do for someone if you believe.
I just got home from being in jail for 3 months. I found a good group in there and they change to the way I view situations in life. I started to get into the word of God, but I still was unsure of this whole god religious thing. My family had been going to a nondenominational church for a while .There life was good already and it just kept getting better .New opportunities were opening up for them and they were making new friends. It was July 4, 2009 a date I will never forget. My family asked me to go to church with them. I really did not want to, but I did it to make them happy. We got to the church I was nervous new place, new people. I thought to myself who are all these crazy people. The pastor began to preach and boy did he preach that day my family said they have never seem him so fired up. He preached about