1. My early childhood of going to church and why I believe in the things that I do today.
2. Making the decision to quit working retail and attend ITT
3. When I gave up drinking
4. Deciding to pop the question to the wife
5. Quitting smoking
When you are young you tend to just go along with whatever you are told to do and that was the case for me and church. I was too young to really understand what I was being taught during Sunday school so I was just there. By the time I was ten I was confused so I started to look at outside sources for more information.
1. What is my topic?
As a child I believed that I needed a higher being but as I got older I learned that not true.
2. What is my thesis?
3. As a young …show more content…
2. What is important about my reader in regards to my memoir?
That they have an open mind.
3. What rhetorical moves do I need to make in regards to my reader?
1. What exactly am I writing about?
I am writing a story about questioning my need to believe in a higher being.
2. What is my tone?
My tone is on the serious side
Let me start off by saying that this story is not about a wow moment in my life, or about an epiphany that I had one day that made me change the way I live my life. No this is simply a story about the things that I’ve learned along the way to make me view religion the way I do. As a young child I blindly accepted what I was told and believed that to be moral and to be a good person I needed a higher being in my life to guide me, but as I got older I learned that to be a good person and to be moral all I had to do was be a good and moral person.
I remember when I was young my parents would take me and drop me off at Sunday school and I would learn about the bible and Jesus and all things that he supposedly did. When you are young you don’t know to question the things that adults tell you so you just go along with it. So for my most of my early childhood I read the bible and prayed to an all knowing being that I was sure was listing to …show more content…
There was a lot of back and forth between my parents and my aunts, uncles and even my grandmother. They were really upset with me telling me and my parents that I was turning my back on my faith and my family or that I was a devil worshiper now. To this day I still find it kind of funny, how you can believe in one and not the other. I was mad and hurt by my family all that I had been close to for all my life at that point, I still don’t talk to some of them.
As I got older I started to ask questions about other religions and I wanted to see if these were any more factual and not just more, it’s this way because we say it is type of mentality. Not all of them did but most did. One religion that I did like was Buddhism; I’ve tried to install some of the basic teachings in the way I live my life now. As I’ve got older and learned more about the histories of many religions and how many have died because of their beliefs, and I found it kind of funny in sad way. Here people are fighting and killing for a religion that teaches peace and