2822 Falling Waters Drive
Lindenhurst, IL 60046
School Info:
Grayslake North High School
1925 N. Route 83
Grayslake, IL 60030
3.821 on a scale of 4.0 Employment:
Youth Soccer Referee
Lindenhurst Park District
2200 Grass Lake Rd
Lindenhurst, IL 60046
(847) 356-6011
Employment from April 2010 to Present
Description: My job as a youth soccer referee consists of many responsibilities. The most important part of my job is ensuring the safety of the kids playing. In order to be successful in this job having good leadership qualities is mandatory. It is impossible to carry out this job when you cannot keep the players, coaches and parents under control. Through this job I have been a referee for boys and girls, ages kindergarten to eighth grade. Youth Soccer Referee
Gurnee Park District
920 N Hunt Club Rd Gurnee, IL 60031
(847) 623-7788
Employment from August 2012 to Present
Description: My job as a youth soccer referee consists of many responsibilities. The most important part of my job is ensuring the safety of the kids playing. In order to be successful in this job having good leadership qualities is mandatory. It is impossible to carry out this job when you cannot keep the players, coaches and parents under control. Through this job I have been a referee for boys and girls, ages kindergarten to eighth grade. Scorekeeper / Hallway Supervisor
Gurnee Park District
920 N Hunt Club Rd Gurnee, IL 60031
(847) 623-7788
Employment from November 2012 to Present
Description: Both the scorekeeper and the hallway supervisor jobs demand that you are able to multi task. As a scorekeeper for the park district basketball league I was required to keep track of all of the statistics during the game, both on the scoreboard and in the written book. Going into this job I had no prior