Outline some of the inequalities in City Road in Victoria Island, Lagos Nigeria where I am presently on social visit compared to City Road in Cardiff.
One will look at the unequal distribution of valued social resources within society or among societies. These inequalities could manifest in term of access to economic resources and material infrastructure in term of time, place and space. In both street setting inequalities arise as a result of certain differences, changes and variation in the up of society overtime. These variations, changes and differences produce inequalities. Drawing from the tutorial DVD on making social lives on City Road in Cardiff this wire up intends to discuss some inequalities observable in Lagos Island in Nigeria. The aspects of inequalities to be examined will revolve around inequalities occasioned by change in the setting, the people’s perception and access to material infrastructure, economic resources and time.
In the first instance according to Dr Georgina, City Road gives example of change in continuity as well as how people gain from the change and how other people lose as result of the change A vivid illustration of how change in street setting occasion inequality can be observed in the Municipal Club where members feel that changes in the City Road setting as a result of changes in the commercial activities has been hard to cope with and has created a longing for the past and lost tradition among the local people. This is a similitude of the scenario in Lagos Island as influx of corporate organization into this eroded it of original cultural setting inflicting inequality on the inhalants and created a longing for the eroded past and tradition.
More so difference in social status rather than age is a chief determinant of inequality in Lagos Island as compared to what is