(Mayer & Salovey, 1993) explains EI is defined as one 's ability to manage and monitor one 's own emotions; recognize the different types of emotions in others; distinguish the different between one 's emotions and those of others; and possess the ability to direct information towards one 's decision making actions '. So, EI is the ability to determine, evaluate and control individuals and groups emotions. Today, where the technology, the demand of employees has increased, the leader with EI has become crucial to lead organizations to create and maintain the competitive advantage through increased performance, and effective use of time and resources. Therefore, EI is essential for leaders to achieve its goal and allow them to 'act purposefully, to think rationally, and deal effectively with his environment '. (Wechsler, 1958)
The study illustrates (Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2004) there are a number of links between EI and fundamental leadership strategies; path-goal, transactional, transformational and laissez-faire management styles. The positive relationship are shown, where its requires understanding the individuals and others emotions, such as transformational leadership. In contrast, leaderships, where employee has strong autonomy or complete freedoms in their job, such as transactional leadership and laissez-faire or non-leadership were found to have significant negative relationship with the strategic EI and
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