Write more like a grown-up
Specify which Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level you'd like your writing to be and CADIE will upgrade your text automatically.
Finish your sentences
Yes, CADIE almost always knows what you meant. End of semester time crunch? Don't stress. Just start typing "The theme of Wuthering Heights is..." and let CADIE do the rest.
Check facts and plagiarism alike
Students, you can use CADIE to help fact-check your research. And teachers, CADIE can help check students who are plagiarizing their written work (at least from other humans).
Can't decide which type of graph to build? Need to do a survey but don't know how? CADIE can anticipate and solve all your spreadsheet-related needs.
Build the best model. Ever.
With infinite knowledge of every spreadsheet model ever built in the history of humankind, CADIE can triple-check your assumptions, upgrade your formulas and even change your data to give you the model you really wanted all along.
Format your formulas
Don't remember the difference between MAX() or MAXA()? CADIE does. Need help with doing an HLOOKUP()? CADIE doesn't. Lean on her. That's right, a bit more...
Savvy surveys, CADIE style
Creating your own surveys is so 2008. Simply tell CADIE the problem you're trying to solve, whether it's "How satisfied are my customers?" or "Who's coming to my potluck and what are they bringing?" and she'll create your survey, figure out who to send it to and harass non-respondents until you're reveling in statistically significant and tastefully formatted results.