Who Am I?
I am a strong, independent woman. I’m a kind, loyal, loving friend. I am a very ambitious, determined person and I’m optimistic about my future. I love making people laugh and enjoy seeing people smile. I am caring, considerate and cooperative. I am faithful in my relationships and I’m supportive of others. I am empathetic and sympathetic. I am an active individual. I am very persistent and strong-headed. I am very persuasive.
I am a leader, a good friend, daughter and sister. I’m an excellent student with exceptional work ethic. I’m devoted to my teams and clubs.
I’m a lot of things and perfect isn‘t one of them. But that’s ok. Since the start of grade 9, I’ve learned that nobody is. I have developed a high self-esteem, an amazing group of friends that are all very supportive and have a very helpful family that accept me for who I am. I am me and that’s the best thing I can be.
Fitness and Goal Setting
Since the start of the semester, I’ve learned a lot about my personal fitness and goal setting, and I’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons that I’ll keep for life. I’ve learned that slim doesn’t mean healthy, what the total health model is (social, spiritual, physical, emotional) and what factors keep us from living healthy lives. I learned what physical fitness is, the major muscles and the FITT and FIRM principals. I learned which factors we can and can’t control about our bodies, how to increase self-esteem and the proper workout technique. I learned how to find my heart rate and how to calculate my target zone. I learned all this and many other things in this unit and plan on applying them in my everyday life.
I think this information means that being healthy is a lot more than being physically fit. To me, it means that working out using the proper technique is important. It’s also important to work in all sections of the total health model consistently. It means you have to accept and embrace your flaws in order to be completely healthy. Overall, it means to be totally healthy, you have to have friends that are as confident in you as you are in yourself and will support you in your journey to become the healthiest you that you can be.
In order to be a healthy individual I will go to the gym at least 3 times a week using the FITT and FIRM principals. I will maintain healthy relationships and be a supportive friend. I will stay true to my faith and beliefs in order to boost my self-confidence.
Healthy Relationships
In the healthy relationships unit I learned a lot. I learned the difference between conflict and violence, and the different kinds of abuse (psychological, physical, financial, sexual) and the definition of the bullying. I learned the different communication styles (passive, assertive, aggressive). I learned the different roles people can play in violent situations (perpetrator, victim, apathetic bystander, instigator, defender of victim, help seeker, mediator). I learned the different causes of violence and the definition of conflict. I learned what characteristics I look for in a friend/partner and my rights/responsibilities in any relationship. I learned when power imbalances are good and when they're bad among many other things.
I think that the message of this unit is to be an assertive individual. It means that I have rights and responsibilities in a relationship as well as privileges. I believe I deserve respect from my friends/partner. Overall, I think this unit's main point is that assertive communication is the key to healthy relationships.
In order to maintain and create new healthy relationships, I will be an assertive individual. I will be a mediator in any conflict I come across. I will not push my friends/partner out of their comfort zones and will expect they won't push me.
Substance Use & Abuse
In the substance use and abuse unit I learned the difference between direct and indirect social pressure. I learned the different refusal techniques (refusal, delay, negotiation). I learned the effects of drugs and alcohol on the brain and body as well as the path of alcohol. I learned which drug is the most commonly used among today's teens. I learned the dangers of binge drinking and what a standard drink is. I learned what the BAC is (0.08% limit). I learned the different drug categories (stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, "club drugs"). I learned the main components of a cigarette (nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide) and many other things.
I believe that this unit's main message is to be safe and responsible. I think this unit is saying that you have to take responsibility for your actions. I think the unit is trying to tell us how getting hooked on any substance is easier than we think. Overall, the main message of the unit is that you have to be responsible with your choices and accept the consequences that come with them.
In order to stay safe, I will not participate in drug use. I will not drink underage. I will use the refusal techniques to help remove myself from situations that could result in substance abuse. I will not do drugs or drink alcohol because of peer pressure. I will respect myself and will stand by my choices to avoid drugs and underage drinking.
Healthy Sexuality
In the healthy sexuality unit I learned that sexuality is much more then sexual activity. I learned what factors influence teens to be interested in sexual activities and reasons teens choose to remain abstinent. I learned the parts of the female reproductive system. I learned what self-responsibility is and how it is demonstrated. I learned what factors lead up to responsible sexual relationships. I learned the different methods of birth control, hew effective they are and how they're used. I learned about different STIs, cures and the symptoms of each. I learned all of this and many other things in this unit.
I think the main message of this unit is that you have to be self-responsible. I believe this unit is trying to promote being aware of your actions and the effect they can have on your body. It means you have to be responsible and accept the consequences that come with your actions. Overall, this unit’s main point is self-responsibility.
In order to have healthy sexuality, I will educate myself on the risks of being sexually active and communicate my wants and needs with my partner. I will be self-responsible and accept the consequences of my actions. I will respect myself and my choices towards my sexuality.
Throughout this project I’ve learned a lot about myself. I’ve learned my values, beliefs and my personality. I’ve discovered that I love popcorn and that I work better with Disney movies playing in the background. As I looked deeper into my friendships, I realized I was closer to some people than I thought. I learned that I’m stronger and more independent than I gave myself credit for. I found that learning about me is a great stress reliever, but that there’s a lot to learn. I learned that I’m more complicated than I ever let myself think I was. I learned I’ve been keeping secrets form myself. Overall I learned that I’m me and that no one will ever be able to change that.
The End.