Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi Wa Barakat uh
Good evening distinguished guests, mothers, sisters, grandmothers, friends, teachers, our beloved admin, and, of course, last but not least the beautiful, amazing, guests of honor also known as the senior graduates of 2016. Welcome to the graduation ceremony for the graduating class of 2016. I am proud to be representing the voices of my fellow seniors on this final day of our high school career. And I am sure the lot of us would truly agree that it has been quite a career. To say that it was easy would most definitely be an exaggeration, well more like a lie actually. To say it was hard, now that would most definitely be an honest truth, because high school can be quite a handful: its …show more content…
The memories that lingered in that hallway and that stairwell and that classroom. That is what makes high school interesting memories; the memories of Mrs. Fatima giving us a biology class outside in the hallway because that day like any other day Nora insisted that our class smelled like onions, or when some teachers let us sit on the lockers at the back of the class to get a new different view of the lesson, or the memories of hiding around the hallway corners in fear of Ms. Anod finding us without our uniform, again. So I guess taking all those memories and many more into account you could say that since the beginning of our senior year we have picked up the habit of taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture but without forgetting to pinpoint the little details that created the picture, and realizing that tomorrow we are going to wake up in a completely different world; a world beyond our imagination; a world where we are going to have to stand on our own two feet and not have someone behind us with a chair in case we fall back in other words we won’t have teachers giving out bonuses just because we beg them to or stand by our sides and point