S.E Hinton’s novel, “The Outsiders” explores the idea of two opposing rivalries, the Greasers and the Socialists who fight over the turfs in their shared town in order to gain respect and have control over the other gang.
Ponyboy’s view of the Socs changes towards the end due to different events, friendships and problems which occur throughout the novel.
Ponyboys’ perception varies drastically through the events of Bob’s death , the relationship with Cherry and Randy, and finally .
Hinton also highlights the growth in the character of Ponyboy as he begins to realise the true identities of the Socs.
1. How Ponyboy views the Socs in the beginning
2. Bob’s death
3. Randy’s chat with Ponyboy after the fire
4. His final thoughts about the Socs. E.g. how the socs also have their own problems
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Ponyboys feelings towards the socs change after seeing the different side of the gang
Rich snob, west side, viscous,
“You know what a greaser is” Bob asked. “White trash with long hair.”
“You know what a Soc is?” I said, my voice shaking with rage. “White trash with Mustangs and madras.” Pg.68 A significant event changes Ponyboys opinion
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The horrible murder of Bob, changes Ponyboy’s view of the Socs when one of his close friends is responsible.
Socs are drunk. jump ponyboy and Johnny
I had to….. They might have killed you…”Like….” I swallowed-like they did before?” pg.69 this shows ponyboy is scared of the socs and knows how brutal they are A conversation with Randy changes Ponyboys thoughts on the socs
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Ponyboy changes his mind about the socs, when Randy admits to looking for a fight with the greasers
Socs and greasers doing the same people, etc. saving lives
‘’ He ain`t a soc,…’’he`s just a guy’’, ( page 144 ) shows that Socs and Greasers have the same feelings and are just people
Ponyboy changes his character through the way